Toni Kroos

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A Toni Kroos story for dortmundbabe

It was Saturday night and I was sitting in my mansion all alone watching the news on TV. Usually Toni accompanied me but he had an away game yesterday and he still hadn't returned .

Suddenly my phone started ringing and I saw that it was him and answered it.
"Hallo liebe,what's up?" I questioned

"Hallo schön, I don't have tine to talk but I will come to pick you up in an hour to go on a date. Wear something fancy. Ich liebe dich, bye"he said and hang up.

I got up from the couch and went to my walk-in closet to find a dress. I had just enough time to have a quick shower, do my hair and my makeup.
I picked a dress Toni bought me 3 months ago with some matching heels and a clutch. I then had a quick shower and after drying my hair, I started curling it.Once my hair was done I started doing my makeup, opting for a natural look. I quickly slipped on my dress and my shoes and chose a matching necklace. Lastly, I sprayed some perfume, grabbed my clutch and went downstairs.

Damn, I was right on time

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Damn, I was right on time.Just as I thought that the door bell rung and in came Toni in a suit looking very handsome. After we both complimented each other, we locked the house, went to his car and he started driving towards an unknown location. We made small talk while he was driving and twenty minutes later we arrived at a very fancy restaurant. Toni gave his keys to the valet and we were immediately sitted once we stepped in. Champagne was given to us shortly with the menus. For appetisers we ordered a salad, main dish was lobster and for dessert we got baked Alaskas. As we were eating, champagne was flowing. I had 4 glasses but I was not tipsy yet. When our dessert came, Toni wasn't eating his,but he was playing with it with a nervous look on his face.
"Liebe,what's wrong?" I asked him
"Well" he started, "I have something    I've been meaning to tell you for a while now" he says and looks down.

"What is it Toni? You know you can tell me everything." I said

"Well, Siena (Y/L/N), I love you and I can't picture my life without you in it.
You complete me and make me very happy. We've been through so much together. Some good, some bad but we overcame everything and we are still together, stronger than ever. Ready for whatever life throws at us. And I am asking you to be with me for as long as we both live" He says while going down on one knee.
"So, will you marry me?"He asks and I am bawling.
"Yes, a million times yes"i said while kissing him. He slipped the ring into my finger and thanked me for making him the happiest man alive. The rest of the night was perfect.

The ring:

I hope you liked it Siena

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I hope you liked it Siena.Sorry for the wait

Led 🐙

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