Chapter 14

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Hattie's P.O.V

'Ah, it's nice to be home.' I sigh, starting to walk. I lost Daxton a long time ago eventually be gave up. Which honestly surprised me since he's a big, bad alpha after all and seems all tough and mean.

'I have a bad feeling about something.'  Snow mumbles as I shift back with my clothes on. Unlocking the back door of the house and start climbing the back staircase to the second floor.

'Me too. I agree with Snow.' Ada says, pacing.

"Ma'am, your back from your trip?" A maid asks me as I arrive on the second floor. I start to walk briskly to my room. "Ma'am, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." I reply, turning to face her and plastering a smile on to my face. "I just have jet lag. So I need some sleep." Turning the door nob to my bedroom and opening the door.

"I understand. Would you like Ms. Rory to come over in a few hours?" She asks, smiling. I look her straight in the eyes.

"Yes, that would be lovely." I reply, walking into my room. "Now will you let me get some sleep?" I ask, through clenched teeth.

"Yes, Ma'am." She chirps, rushing away. I close my door and let out a breath. 'It's so nice to be home.' I repeat to myself as my eyelids start to get heavy.

'Sleep then I need to talk to you about something.' Snow says as I walk over to my bed. Sitting on my bed is a note card address to me. I pick it up and read what it has to say. It says this:

Dear Harriet,

We would like to tell you that we will be home on the 21st of May to see your sister and you. On that note we are holding a company gala on the 23rd of May and your sister and you have to be there or you both will lose your debit card allowance. Also we are inviting Arnold Industries since we are partner businesses and they have a son about your age. Maybe you can meet him and see if you like him.

See you then,

                           Mom and Dad  

'Great, their trying to get into my love life now.' I grumble, laying down. I start to drift off to sleep, dreaming of the gala and when I have to see Daxton again.

Daxton's P.O.V

"D*mn it! D*mn it! D*mn it!" I roar as we lose her scent. It leads into a neighborhood of rich people houses.

"Daxton, calm down." Chad reminds as he stop the car at the entrance. Why did she leave me? I didn't do anything wrong did I? I love her and this is where it got me.

'No, you did something wrong. Member doing Gabby?' Rocco replies, rolling his eyes.

'Now's not the time, Rocco.' I growl at him, lowly.

"Don't you dare tell me you calm the f*ck down!" I yell, opening my door and jumping out. I start to sprint into the forest near by and shift. I howl.

'You did to yourself, mate.' Rocco counters as I stop running and I just lay down behind a house. Her scent is all over the house and the property. 'Your didn't treat her right.'

'I treated her fine.' I shoot back, pacing behind the fence of the home's backyard. 'Your just as mad as I am.'

'No, I'm not.' He replies, calmly as I see a girl walk out into the backyard. She looks like Char, but Char is back at the pack house. I never let her leave. 'Because I didn't do any of this. You did. When you had 'fun' with with other girls. Then you locked her in her room. Said she couldn't see her sister. You told her. You. Not me. I warned you that it was a bad idea, but you didn't believe me. So no, I am not mad.'

Sighing, I get up to get a closer look at the house and the girl. The girl has pale blonde hair and she's wearing a bathing suit. Suddenly two more girls enter the backyard. Her scent is overwhelming. One of those girls has to be Hattie. It has to be. Now I can get her back.

'Nope.' Rocco chimes as I lay back down. 'She wanted to get away for a reason. I know she's going to come back just give her a break.' 

'Fine.' I grumble, starting to walk away from fence and sprint back to our pack territory.


"Daxton, we need to talk to you." Mom calls into my room as I finish drying my hair after my shower. Showers help me clean my head and think better. I open the door and follow the hallway to the family room.

"Yeah? What do you need?" I ask, sitting down on the couch. Looking to my left and right I see Cassie and Cole. "Why do you have all three of us?"

"You all know your father's company, right?" Mom asks, sitting down next to dad on the opposite couch. We all nod. "Well his company has just partnered with Logan Inc. which is a very successful business. Their company is hosting a gala to celebrate the partnership. The owners of Logan Inc. have two daughters that are going to the gala. So you three will have to go to the gala as well."

"As well, my Beta and Third's families are going." Dad adds, standing up. "The gala is on the 23rd." And with that he walks off probably to do paperwork. Between the pack and the company I will be super busy when I become Alpha. A few minutes later Cole and Cassie leave the room. I'm sure to get ready for bed. Mom gets up to leave, but I stop her.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" I ask, looking down at the ground. Maybe she can tell me why Hattie left and be kind about it. Unlike my wolf up there.

'Hey!' Rocco exclaims, waking up from his nap. 'Be nice.'

"What is it, Daxton?" She asks, tilting my chin up to look into her eyes.

"Do you know why-"

"Hattie left?" She finishes. I nod. "Honey, she needs her space. Her whole world has changed. She has a wolfish voice in her head and so does her sister. And not to forget you took her world. The only person that cared about."

"The only person that cares about her?" I ask, cocking my head. Why did she say that? I care about her too.

'Sure you do.' Rocco says, sarcastically. 'And I'm a cat.'

'Shut it!'

"She told me that her parents don't care. They're too focused on their business to care about them. Char is all the Hattie has, the only piece of her broken family that cares. And she still can't dance, the other thing she can't survive without. To her you took her soul. Her identity." Mom replies, taking a breath.

"What can I do to fix it?" I ask, looking down. I feel really bad.

"Ask her to give you a second chance and try not to blow it this time." She replies, patting my shoulder and walks off to her and Dad's bedroom.

"Wha-" Leaving me speechless. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

I'm on a roll!! Two chapters in less than three days!! Wow!😳 Anyhow, on to the next chapter.

Love ya,


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