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"Marcus Dryer's end of summer party. You in?" my best friend pushed her phone across the table. I ran my finger along the cracked screen for a moment before my eyes fell on the text she'd gotten.

It wasn't a shock or surprise, nothing new; Marcus' end of summer parties were one of the only lights at the end of a long, hot tunnel in our boring small town. He'd been throwing them since eighth grade and he made sure to let everyone know if they didn't show up, they'd be missing out on an adventure of a life time.

My best friend ran her finger through her teased hair, lips thinning to a point they were no longer visible. "Are you?"

I pushed the phone back toward her and shrugged. "I have plans."

"You have plans? Like what? Sitting and watching Netflix all night and stuffing your face with cookie dough kind of plans?" she snapped, a knowing look in her misty gray eyes.

"What my plans are doesn't matter, Mckenna. I don't want to go to his party." the words slipped out of me before I could stop them. I reached up and covered my face with both hands as I awaited my best friend's lecture.

"If you're still worried about that Seven Minutes In Heaven stunt in sixth grade, I can assure you Mark is over it, Paige." I felt her palm fall on my hand moments after she responded, her small smile a peace offering.

There weren't a lot of things in this world I disliked. Mushrooms and politics held the position at the top of the short list, Marcus Dryer wasn't far behind. The story isn't the typical jock bullied the poor little nerd, it isn't material that would make for a perfect coming of age drama set in Littletown. Five years and I still couldn't face Mark. It wasn't because he embarrassed or humiliated me in front of the entire school; it was the exact opposite. We had been best friends to an extant that we shared the same bed, same bathroom, and same yard for the first ten years of our lives. Living next door to each other, we had been inseparable. Long lived happiness always has to come to an end.

Our break wasn't all at once, it was slower than that. Seven Minutes in Heaven had just been the conformation for my suspicions that our friendship was finally over with.

"You've got to face him sometime, Pai. What better of a time than one of his parties when he'll be drunk and won't care about what happened?"

I pushed up from the lunch table and shoved my untouched tray in the trash bin, "I just don't think it's a good idea, Kena."

Stalking out of the cafeteria, I would have thought my best friend would leave it be, possibly stay and talk to the girls that sat a little further down our table. Instead, she hopped up and danced across and out of the room after me like a pixie.

"Five minutes. If you decide you'd rather head out and go back to your place, we can." she insisted, tugging on my arm as my seven year old brother does when he throws temper tantrums. Differences between the two of them were so fine at the moment that I had to do a double take.

I could feel myself starting to give in as I squirmed out of her grip, "Five minutes?"

"Five minutes." She confirmed, eyes glistening with excitement. I pushed my hand against her forehead playfully and pushed her away. She only threw herself back into step beside me and continued to walk down toward our lockers.

"Who knows," she paused dramatically, "you might have some fun."

The suggestive tone in her voice made my heart drop into my sour stomach, lips curling back in disgust, "I doubt that."

"Prude." She rolled her beautiful eyes, looking close to storm clouds as the light reflected off them.

"Snob." her hand shot over her mouth so I couldn't see her braces when she started laughing at my weak comeback.

"I'm so offended." She snorted, shaking her head, "We are such dorks, we physically need this party, Paige. You'll thank me later."

Throwing her arm over my shoulder only added to her pixie like persona. From her twinkling eyes, pointed ears, and her shortness, to her quiet, angelic like voice, my best friend looked as if she'd walked right out of a fantasy novel. More times than not, I'd seen her use it to her advantage around guys. Considering most of the male population at our school liked their girls to be feminine and sweet, Mckenna beat me by a long shot when it came to past relationships.

"I hope you're right." I hugged my textbook against my chest and rested my head against her shoulder as we continued down the hallway, my breath catching in my throat when we passed by Marcus and one of his ape like teammates.

Mckenna wrapped her arm tighter around me and laughed.

"Oh, Paige, sweetie. You and I both know I'm right. Mark my words. Tonight will be the best night of your high school life."


This will be extended longer when I edit. 

Not super eventful, but I hope you guys enjoyed nonetheless! 

Please let me know what you thought! 


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