Jesper x Wylan PART 1

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For the first time he could remember Jesper felt completely satisfied. Thanks to that Grisha fabricator Wylan helped employ and the general work of being Wylan's aid, he no longer felt any of that restless energy or the constant hunger for a long night in the gambling den. In fact, one might say he was an entirely different person, though Jesper had to scoff at the idea of such a thing. He chuckled as he strolled down the elaborate halls he'd come to enjoy. But there was one room that gave him pause. Tonight, as he peered in, Jesper felt that relentless hunger creep back into him. A sly, crooked grin appeared on his face.

"Well well well, what on earth could the little merchling be doing here so late at night?"

Startled, Wylan jumped at the sound of his voice, fingers abruptly missing the next keys of the soft melody he'd been hoaxing out of the piano just moments before. 

"If I didn't know better I might think you were trying to seduce me with this." Jesper cross over to where Wylan was perched in front of the instrument and set his hands on either side of Wylan's, trapping him between his long arms as his fingers tapped out a couple of notes.

"U-um." Wylan stammered, "there's enough room on the bench if you want to play with me."

"Oh really? And what kind of game would we play together, hm?" he purred in reply, skimming his nose along the merchling's collar bone. A bold blush spread immediately over Wylan's soft features. This was almost too easy.

Clearing his throat Wylan replied "That's not what I meant and you know it."

Jesper could swear her heard the faintest undertone of a squeak beneath those words and he couldn't help but be amused. 

"Well how am I supposed to take it when you're so obviously trying to attract me?" Jesper saw Wylan's throat bob and broke into an outright grin. Forget the gambling halls, messing around with poor Wylan was much more thrilling. Jesper leaned in closer, now practically resting his entire weight on the flustered boy's back. One long arm circled to hold Wylan closer, Jesper's forearm pressing across his chest. The other came up to rest on Wylan's shoulder. Jesper's hand flexed to take a few of the unruly  curls framing Wylan's face, twirling the shiny red locks around his fingers.

Jesper gently brushed hi dark lips against the silky white skin of Wylan's ear, murmuring "Besides, why would I move only to sit beside you when I'm perfectly comfortable being on top?"

Wylan shivered. It was ridiculously amusing that he still hadn't gotten used to Jesper's teasing, especially when you counted in the fact that both of them seldom slept alone. 

"When are you gonna stop messing with me already?" Wylan muttered, squirming in Jesper's arms. 

"Hm? What's that, little merchling? I thought you knew better than to mumble when there's something you want."Jesper softly clucked his tongue as he gave a little tug at Wylan's form-fitting tunic. Wylan blushed profusely but Jesper waited, tapping his toe to some imaginary beat. After a very long moment Wylan let out an almost frustrated sigh as he finally caved.

"I said I want you to stop messing with me." 

"Ah, what a good little merchling, using his big boy words. But why would you want me to stop playing when we're having so much fun?"

"Well maybe it's not so much fun for me." He was pouting now. 

"Oh, so would you like me to stop?" Jesper felt a twinge of smug knowing. He knew that Wylan would never turn him down.


"Then what do you want, merchling? You're running out of time. If you don't tell me now I might just walk away."

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