The Sun

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Todd jogs over the moorland, wheezing for air as he carries the unconscious mermaid in his arms. Easily being able to slip in during the night, Todd had picked the locks on the cages with a couple of fishhooks to free the people, and then grabbed Claudia in the commotion. She's so weak, that she did not protest.

The red light of daybreak is traveling over the horizon, and Todd can't feel Claudia's heartbeat anymore over the rapid rate of his own. The days traveling to and from the river had certainly helped build his endurance, but running was an entirely different matter. He bumped into trees as he stumbles towards the sound of the rushing river, trying to keep Claudia from getting hit, and he could not slow down.

Finally reaching the river as day breaks through, he collapses to his knees in the shallow water. He places Claudia in the river, struggling to get air to his lungs, but she does not wake. "Claudia... Please..." He heaves for breath. "Please... You 'ave t'live... I can't live knowin' that I killed ya..."

He splashes water onto her face in a desperate attempt to wake her, when he is suddenly pushed into the water. Something grabs the collar of his shirt and he is pulled back out, only to meet Master Godfroy's enraged face. "You've ruined me!" He screeches at Todd, "You and your stupid mermaid! I told you they would deceive you! I told you! And now both of you are going to die!"

Godfroy shoves Todd back under, and Todd feels a boot pressed down on his chest so that he can't get back up. His arms flail and grasp for anything as water rushes into his mouth and up his nose. The intense pressure on his chest accompanied by the lack of oxygen makes Todd's vision go black.

He is about to pass out, when the pressure is removed. Todd instinctively sits up, coughing and spluttering as he takes huge inhales of air. His hearing is blaring and the world spins around him, but suddenly Todd can make out screaming and splashing.

Godfroy flails in the water, screaming for help. A red tail flashes above the current, and thin, pale arms wrap around him. Todd watches in stunned horror, his vision still blurring, as the freak show master is dragged deep into the river. Godfroy fights with all he can muster, but he is no match for Claudia in the water, even in her weakened state. The screams gurgle and die, and the splashing slowly subsides.

"Claudia..." Todd gasps, before he loses consciousness.

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