Telling the younger dancers

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   It was a long day, and you were back at the studio with Louis to tell the younger classes.
"You ready babe?" Louis asked.
"Kind of. They'll probably react differently, because they're younger. Not to mention Kelsey. She's going to be heartbroken when she hears that I'm going to be leaving in a few months for maternity leave." You said as you looked at your boyfriend.
  He kissed a light peck on your lips and you both headed inside of the studio, hand in hand. You got into the room where all the youngsters were. You sat on the chair that you sat on before and looked at everyone.
"Hello younger classes." You said.
"Hi Miss Y/N!" They all said.
"So you're probably wondering why you're all here."
They nodded.
"Well. Some news has come up in my family that I will be able to teach for a few more months."
  Kelsey raises her hand.
"Yes Kelsey?"
"What's the news?"
  You took a deeep breath and said.
"I'm going to have a baby in a few months."
The little kids clapped for you and all came to hug you.
"You're going to be the best mommy ever Miss Y/N!" They all said.
"Thank you everyone. This was really hard for me to do this."
  All the little ones hugged you until Kelsey was the last one. She started to cry a little bit.
"Are you ok Kelsey?" You asked her.
"I'm just sad that your leaving." He said through her little tears.
"I'm going to see your beautiful dance, at the end of the year, and I'm not leaving, until I'm close to having the baby."
You hugged her tightly and wiped away her tears, then she went to go find her mom and dad, who decided to stay together for Kelsey's, sake. You both went back home and cuddled together while talking about the future.

A/N: I can't get over how cute this couple is!!! Anyway, wifi has been out and that is why I couldn't upload.

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