The bump starts to form (His POV)

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       I got up early to go into the studio. When I was about to leave the house when Y/N came towards me.
       "Why are you up this early?" She sounded alert, not only that but devastated.
"I'm sorry Love, but manegment called and said it was an emergency. I know it's early but, go back to bed. I hope to be home by noon." I kissed her forehead and put on my coat to head out.
While at the studio, my mind kept drifting off to Y/N. We ended up fixing the problem that had occurred through the song writing. Once I got into the car, I checked my phone and saw that Y/N had texted me.
'Hey babe. I just got to work, look who's here!'

I replied 'Can't wait till the little one starts to kick!'     She sent me a heart emoji back and I drove home

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I replied 'Can't wait till the little one starts to kick!'
    She sent me a heart emoji back and I drove home. I was so excited and happy about having a baby with Y/N. When we first met on the X factor when Lightning Quick was only signed for a couple of years, that's when I fell in love. Even though the only performance she did with the lads and I was for the American week I still felt calm during the whole thing. We were both young at the time and not ready for a long term relationship until 2012 when she made the first move. Ever since then, we've been together. Six years is a long time but I was content with where we were at. We were engaged and had a little bundle of joy on the way. The one thought that couldn't escape my mind was when the time would come if she would want to get involved with the dance group again. I shrugged my shoulders and got out of the car. I made myself some lunch and took the dogs for a walk. Walking the dogs gave me a sense of calmness whenever I was stressed next to song writing. When the walk was finished the thought of Y/N joining Lighting Quick again gave me shivers.
      The management treated the dancers so unwell that I'm surprised that the dancers were able to keep it a secret for all that time. The head of the management crew would 'discipline' the kids if they didn't get a move right. Since last February when she left and sued the boss, she hadn't returned. The contract had broken leaving all the dancers to do their own thing but still be a group all over the world.  I was lost in my thoughts when my fiancé walked through the door.
     "Louis.... you ok?"
     "Ummm. Not really."
      "What's bothering you?"
     "You know that conversation that we had a couple of nights ago about you possibly reconnecting with Lighting Quick?"
      "Yeah. What about it?"
       "I'm scared for you. I mean what if you get another a*shole of a management. I don't want our little Tommo to grow up with a mom that isn't healthy looking and thinks that I beat their mother."
       "I know you're scared about me Lou. But the dance crew has found a new contract that they've already signed. It begins in the new year and it's great. I've done a lot of thinking about it recently and I'm going to reunite with them. Those people are like my second family. Even some of the members are gonna help out at the studio as teachers. Then I'm thinking of possibly selling it to continue with the crew. Or maybe still own it but just rent it to people who want a dance studio."
      "I just want what's best for you Y/N. I can't stand to see you like you did back in 2014."
       "Don't worry. This little one." She lifted her short to show her bump. "Is gonna give me the fight to keep me healthy."
        I smiled and touched the bump. I felt a genuine smile rise up as it finally settled in. I was gonna be a dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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