Telling Louis

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You put the pregnancy test in your back pocket and welcomed Louis home, with a smile on your face.
"What made you so happy all of a sudden Y/N?"
"Oh..... just that you're finally back from the studio."
He kissed you on the lips and put his coat on the hanger.
"Is your mom still here, or did she go home?" Louis asked.
"She's still here."
"I never have seen you this happy before. Are you sure there isn't anything else."
"No. I just wanted to see you and spend some time with you tonight."
"Ok." Louis said as he giggled a little bit.
You spent some time together on the bed, watching some X factor on the T.V when Louis appeard on the stage. You giggled a little bit
"Oh no not this!"
"This is my audition! It's so emarassing!"
"I think you did good, my little hedgehog."
"Thanks baby." Louis said as he kissed your temple.
You paused the T.V and turned to Louis.
"Do you want to know the real reason I was smiling today when you got home?"
"Yeah, why not."
"Well I was looking at houses with my mom."
"Yes and."
"I felt a rush of nausea."
You looked down at your flat stomach, then looked back at Louis with tears in your eyes and said.
"You're going to be a father."
Louis hesitated and started to cry as well.
"I can't believe that I'm going to be a father! I'm so happy baby!"
Louis hugged you tight, and when he released, he kissed you in the lips and you both went to bed happy with Louis protecting his unborn child.

A/N: Feel free to leave new chapter ideas!!! :)

Louis Tomlinson Pregnancy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now