Chapter 28: Help Me

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What the hell is a Malment?" I asked jumping up behind him. He moved beside me so that now we were all in a circle facing him.
"A malum mentis, it's an evil spirit that festers in the brain. It's Literal translation is evil mind. I've only ever seen it once before but the witches feared it and I think we should too." He said throwing his arms down and looking at Stefan and I.
"How do we kill it?" Stefan asked looking straight ahead with no emotion.
"We don't." Was all Kol said.
"Then how do we get rid of it?" I backed.
"Aren't you guys listening? We don't. You can't kill it and you can't get rid of it." Kol walked to the door leaving his hand on the knob before looking back at us.
"If you love him then you'll kill him. Maybe that'll get rid of it." And he walked out the door. I looked at Stefan whose eyebrows were furrowed with elena's hand on his back. Bonnie looked like she did before watching the door close behind Kol. I couldn't believe what was going on. One minute we were plotting the murder of Klaus and his entire family with my sane brothers. Then the next Kol was diagnosing the crazed evil thing in our basement. I stormed out the door to find Kol standing on the lawn with his hands in his pockets.
"I figured you come storming out the door. Thought it'd be easier to just wait than try to make it home."
"So that's it? You're just gonna give up?" I asked tears welling in my eyes. I couldn't let him give up. He was our only chance at helping my brother. The one person I connect with most in this chaotic shit of a world.
"I can't help you. This is way above me." He said in a gentle voice while walking closer to the cement steps. The only thing that was standing before complete darkness was the dying patio light. It lit up his prominent features casting shadows across the rest of his face.
"You're Kol Mikaelson." My voice cracked and my eyes couldn't hold back the tear that rushed to escape. He came closer but I stopped him. I turned my back and left him on the lawn.

The night passed and I didn't get an ounce of rest. I ransacked my personal library trying to find anything on this mysterious parasite that wormed it's way into my brothers head. Stefan had been watching him and giving him a healthy amount of blood every 3 hours. And I got to say I was getting a little hungry myself. And as much as I'd love to take my problems out on some endorphin-raged runner I didn't have the energy. So I begrudgingly went to the prison that kept my brother safe. It was dark and smelled of rotting flesh. I couldn't help the curiosity that welled inside to just take a peep at Damon. Just to make sure that he was alright. I walked up to the window and found Damon no where insight but that thing still chained to the wall. It's eyes were wide open staring at me as if it knew I'd be in that exact spot at that moment.
"Such a waste of power." It voiced. I stood there waiting for more words to fall out of its mouth.
"Not even your own brother wants you around. You know I can hear and see every thought and memory of his. You disgust him."
"Stop" I commanded. Hoping that everything he was saying was a lie but part of me knew it was the truth.
"Choosing that bloodthirsty psychopath over your own flesh and blood. Or how about the time you-"
"Stop" I plead looking at the dirt floor beneath my feet.
"Left Damon and Stefan to fend for themselves after-"
"Stop!" I yelled louder than anything I had before.
"Why are you doing this?" I begged my hands catching the bars of the window.
"Why not?" He sarcastically asked.
"I heard little Kol won't help you with your pest problem." It said just as I turned my back from the window. I looked back at it and the red veins in its eyes stuck out like a sore thumb. Damon's beautiful blue eyes were now an ugly dark blue with rings of blood red around the outside. His unshaven face was covered in dirt and sweat and his once clean cut hair was disheveled and in a greasy mess. This wasn't damon, and I knew it, but everything it said cut deep as if Damon was saying it himself.
"How do you know about that?" I asked slightly intrued but i wouldn't let that thing know.
"I'm not the only one." He manically said showing it's fangs.
"What even are you?" I asked.
"You know exactly what I am."

After the frightful conversation with the Malment I went over to see Kol. I needed to know everything I could about this creature and how to kill it. I wasn't gonna leave my brother, not again. As i walked up to the house with my hands in my pocket I gazed up to Kol's window where he was standing looking out the window. I kept walking to the door and before long Kol was opening the door. We said nothing. I followed him to his room where he sat on the edge of the bed and I sat beside him. I don't even know how much time passed before one of us broke the silence that clouded between us.
"I need your help." I said looking towards him. His hands were locked together and his gaze was placed on the floor. His back arched up and a sigh was pushed out of his nose.
"I can't help you." Was all he said. I turned my hips towards him and placed my hand on his thigh. He looked at me and my heart couldn't help but drop from my chest to my stomach.
"Kol, when I told you how I felt I meant it. And when you kissed me back I thought that you felt the same way. I can't do this alone and you're the only person I trust and the only person who knows what we're up against. Please, help me. I need you." I begged. My hand was still on his thigh and he took it held it for a second before pushing it back to my side.
"I can't help you." He said getting up and walking to the window. I sat there trying to control the anger that was erupting in my chest.
"What are you so afraid of?" I asked a little louder than intended. He walked back over to me. His burgundy shirt collar twisted and unbuttoned. I wanted to fix it.
"I'm not afraid. I just don't know how to help you." He argued back.
"Then help me find out how!" I jumped up trying to keep my eyes clear and my head sane. He sighed again and put his hands on his hips. He looked at me for what i thought was eternity before his lips moved.
"Fine, but we do this my way." A smile immediately fell on my face and my arms were wrapped around the back of his neck. He slowly pulled away until our lips were touching again. God it was good to finally be able to kiss him. A kiss was just what it was but it felt like so much more.

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