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Rules and regulations hold a very important place in the working of the world

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Rules and regulations hold a very important place in the working of the world. Without a proper set of rules thing might not go well! Here at The Red Diamond Awards, we have a set of simple rules, which demand to be followed. If you do not follow all the rules, your participation can be cancelled.

1. Make sure to add this book to your reading list (public) and library to make sure you get notified about each and every update!

2. You are supposed to follow this account and the following two accounts!

3. You must add the #thereddiamondawards2017 tag to the tag section of your book, so that we can identify the participating books with much ease.

4. Your book must have atleast 5 chapters at the time of the submission. Only short stories can have less than 5 chapters.

5. Your book must be in English!

7. Your book can be complete/ on hold/ on going. Just make sure it has atleast 5 chapters!

8. Judges will be handpicked by me, xx_187_xx and Amelia_collins_, the founder of the awards.

9. A writer cannot participate and be a judge in the same genre because that would be unfair!

10. The last date for submission of your book is 1 August 2017. Make sure you submit your book before that.

11. Anyone can submit as many books he/she wants, but, no two books submitted should be of the same genre. For example- If you have to submit 2 books, both should be of different genre. You cannot submit 2 books of the same genre.

12. The form for submission should be added as inline comments, along the respective genre, in the next chapter. Submission of form in this chapter will be ignored or deleted.

13. You have to tag at least 6 people when you submit your form, we have to spread this award to a larger group guys!

14. Aaaaand of course last but not least self-nominating and nominating other books are of course allowed!

That's all of our rules! When you have any questions just text me, xx_187_xx or Amelia_collins_!

Now hurry up guys the awards are waiting for you all!!!!!


The Red Diamond Awards 2017 [OPEN]Where stories live. Discover now