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Cat and James walk in to the room everybody is all weapond up and ready

(Cat lain ) what do we got

Crystal walks up to then with a shot gun with a strap and glock pistol

(Crystal hian ) we just got movement from one of mike's building's

(James hian ) and were going to break the party

She hands James the shot gun

(Crystal hian ) yup here

And hands the pistol to cat James puts the shot gun around his body then they get in their cars and trucks and head to mike's building

(James hian ) so what kind of place is this

(Crystal hian ) not sure really but what we know is that it's one of the best best building's that mike has

(James hian ) then let's do it

Realoding the shot gun


a man walks into mike's office mike is on his computer then he hears the man speak

mike looks up and its Dom

(Mike pommer ) what do you got for me Dom

Closing his computer

(Dom backster ) crystal and the cops are heading to money work shop 1

(Mike pommer ) the best money house I own

(Dom backster ) yup they'll be there really soon and their going to shut it down

(Mike pommer ) OK thank you Dom I'll call head informent and let him know

Dom walks out of the office and mike calls the informent


Everybody is working and walking and moving the money into boxes then the informent hears his phone ring and picks it up

(Informent ) yes sir OK I'll put it on lock down OK you got it

He hangs up then tells everybody what's going on and get ready

Crystal and the cops all show up and park in front of the building like blocking the front way so nobody can leave they all get out the cars and trucks close the doors

(Sarafina ) it looks impty

(Crystal hian ) that's what they want you to think but we know how that works

They see a door open and go inside ready to shoot they walk around and don't see or hear anything so they stop

(Bri lain ) there's nothing here

(Cat lain ) all I see is just shilves and nothing else

(sarafina ) will there's got to be something

(Crystal hian ) she's right everybody look around

The cops all spread out and look around the place sarafina walks on her own bri and crystal go together then cat and James walk around together

(James hian ) I'm not even sure that this is the right place

(Cat lain ) me to if this was a money place then where's all the money

(James hian ) yea

(Cat lain ) I'm gonna check over here

Cat walks to the right to some big cabinets James looks up and sees a man point his macion gun to her

(James hian ) CAT!!!!!

James runs the guy Start's shooting at them she turns around and he Gran's her then turns her to to the other side of the cabinets she screams then the lights turn on and 20 more guys are on the top ameing down at them bri and crystal move out of the way the guys start shooting the cops start shooting back James comes out and shoots to of the guys on his side they fall from the rial on to the ground the cops take out 4 more guys in the middle of the rial bri and crystal come out shooting 10 guys go down ten 30 more come out from the 2 door on the other side of the room James and cat both come out shooting and take out 10 guys each they fall on the floor then run to where crystal and bri are

(James hian ) how did they know we were coming

(Bri lain ) I don't know but there's to many

Then bri goes out shooting and takes out 3 guys in front then 2 on top and goes back to cover

(Sarafina ) will we got to think of something cuz ovisly somebody told them

(Cat lain ) but who ?

Then bullets come at them they move out of the way and hit the big container cat comes up and shoots the guy and he goes down then she goes back down

(Sarafina ) who do you think the one crystal brought in

(Crystal hian ) OK there's no way Dom could have done this

Then more bullets come at them and the girls scream

(James hian ) this is not the time to be descusing this

10 cops get shot and fall in the floor detective ruby is behind a counter she takes out a grenade pulls the pin and throws it it explodes and killed 20 of them and leave some fire behind


(Mike pommer ) so it looks like your sister is getting the hang of the game

Saramiah is setting down in a chair with chains on her wrist and legs

(Saramiah ) she's going to Lill you

(Mike pommer ) yes that may be but first I have 2 more games for her then I get what I want and you get what you want


4 more cops are shot then ruby comes out shooting and killed 5 of the guys that are shooting at cat,bri,James,crystal and sarafina they all come out to shoot then a flash bang goes off and then they see ruby get shot in the shoulder they turn to her then ruby gets shot 2 more times in the back she falls to the floor then crystal and cat turn and shoot the guy that shot ruby then shoot 4 more guys up top

(James hian ) grab her we got to go

Crystal raps her shot gun around her cat puts her shot gun around her to they Ru and pick ruby up grabbing both of of arms and putting them around there necks James,bri,sarafina get to there GMS car truck James gets in driver seat bri gets in the back pasinger seat sarafina gets in the front pasinger seat then cat and crystal come with ruby cat opens the back driver door put ruby in set her next to bri then get in them self's

(Crystal hian) go!!

James pulls off.

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