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Malik is laying on a table he wakes up and gets up really fast still setting on it

(Malik ) huh what the...

He looks around then gets off the table then he fells pain in the back of his head and he puts his hand there

(Malik ) aah

Then looks at his hand and there's some blood he wipes it then walks out of the room in another room Jordan is up and looking around then hears something and Gran's a pistol from the table and walks out of the room he walks down the hall way he gets to a corner and turns to the right and there's malik

(Malik ) aah damn fu I almost shot your ass

(Jordan ) I almost shot you where the hell is everybody

(Malik ) I don't know

Then they hear gun shots they walk to a window to look out then see a guy fall

(Malik ) fuck that

(Jordan ) let's get the hell out of hear

They turn back around and start walking they get to a big glass door and see through it o the other so there are lots of cops running gun shots going off hearing people dieing they look at each other then the glass door shatters and they move out of the way behind the wall then there's a bi dude standing in front of the door on the other side holding holding big ass gun jordan comes out and shoots at him and misses then the guy shoots and Jordan goes back behind the wall there are lots of big bullet wholes in the wall then the guy stops shooting Jordan and malik both come out pointing their guns at him and shoot at him they kill him and he goes down then 10 guys with guns show up in front of them Jordan and malik shoot at them and Jordan takes out 2 of them and malik takes out 3 Jordan and malik both run oh of bullets they run at the guys and slides the guys shoot at them but dont hit them at all they get to other wall and push them self's up back onto their feet Jordan does a back flip an knocks the gun out of the one of the guys hands then the guy tries to punch him but Jordan catches it and twist his arm then spends the guy around kicks him in the leg the guy goes down on his knees and Jordan snaps his neck the guy falls to the floor

Malik Gran's the gun out of another guys hands then hits him in the face with the but stock then shoots him then malik kicks a another guy comeing from behind him then Jordan kicks another guy in the face then Gran's his arm and flips him over on to his back then kicks him in the head again breaking his neck then malik jumps and kicks the last guy through a glass window he falls on the floor knocked out

(Jordan ) nice one

(Malik ) thanks

Then Jordan's phone rings he picks it up

(Jordan ) hey crystal OK where are you OK well be there

He hangs up the phone

(Jordan ) come on we got to pick up the girls and James

Jordan starts running malik just looks at him

(Malik ) how we don't even have a car

Then malik start running after jordan.

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