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It's now 7:00 they pack up the stuff then head to the truck James crystal goes in the driver seat cat goes in the same spot and bri and saragina set in the same spots so do the boys k-mart gets in her own car they pull off to mikes place they get there k-mart climbs a tall tree she raps her self's then lays out tied to the tree she holds up her sniper with a silentser and takes out 2 guards that are standing by the nack window they fall to the ground then she turns it to the right and takes out a guard standing by the pool she shoots him in the head he falls back into the pool then cat and bri head to the back doors they knock on the door one of the guards comes to the window to look out then k-mart shoots him the window breakers and he falls back on to the ground the other 5 guards go running then cat and bri come in shooting machine guns at them the guards shoot back bri runs then flips to the lift rolls on the floor behind a small wall holder the guards keep shooting bullet wholes are all over glass is on the floor cat comes out from a corner grab# one of the guards takes there gun then knocks them out turns them around with their back faceinf the other guards they keep shooting then cat shoots back killing 2 guards then kicks the guard in the leg they go to their knee and cat shoots them in the head she rolls back then slides at the same time she's shooting at the guards then Vida behind a wall the guards hold their fire and start slowly walking their way a guard walks by bri and stops bri comes out hitting the guard in the face with the but of the gun then kicks him spends around punching him in the face the guard tries to punch her but she catches it then Gran's the other arm spends the guard around then bri pulls him to her she knees him in the face cracking his neck she let's go then bri and cat both come out in the open a big guard throws his gun on the floor and walks to them he throws a kick the girls both duck then come back up kicking him in the stumoch then he throws a punch he punches cat in the face then bri Gran's his arm and pulls it down then kicks him in the face then they roll nack as the guy stomps almost stepping on them then they roll to the sides of him bri is on the right and cat is on the lift they pull out their shot guns and shoot him at the same time in the head he falls face down to the floor then they to their little twinkle finger and shake

(Bri and cat ) sisters

Jordan and malik go to the front and take a battole on fire then throw it throw the window it lands on the floor breaking fire goes everywhere mike is in his office looking on the camera

(Mike pommer ) game on Send all guards

All guards are set out all over the place to get them .

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