Part 2

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"Yes, I know what I am saying and doing. You don't need to say anything!!" shouted Arnav.

"Chote, behave. What has happened to You? Where did you forget all your manners, Haan?? And Where is the so called wife of yours from 2 days?" asked Nani sternly. She can't believe her Chote is behaving like this with the family. She knows how Arnav behaves with the outside world and sometimes only for HP, OP and JP but not with the family members especially her and Anjali.

"Manners, right? You all please don't talk about it. It doesn't look good to hear manners from your mouth Nani!!" snorted Arnav chuckling sarcastically.

"How can you speak to sasuma like that Arnav bitwa??" Mami asked not liking the way Arnav is speaking with Nani and Anjali.

"Why not Mrs Raizada, when you all can speak however you like with my wife, then why can't I?"

"Huh!! So phatee saree has send you here after complaining to you about us!!"

"Do you think khushi is a complaint box like you to complain her husband about everyone in the family??"

"Bhai, you can't speak like that to my mom!!" intervened Aakash as he did not like the way Arnav is insulting his mom.

"Aakash, I don't need to take advice from a spineless man like You!!"

"What did you say? Me a spineless man??" whispered Aakash shocked.

"What wrong did I say Aakash, you are a spineless man who can't do anything on his own. You needed me and Khushi to propose Payal for marriage, again you needed us to convince your mom for your marriage with Payal. You can't stand up for your wife when your mom insults her infront of everyone and call her names and upon that you go on support your mom to insult her indirectly by being silent."

"Just contemplate Aakash, your so called mom insults your wife infront of you then what all she does when you aren't around may be she abuses her physically ok not physically but she does mentally. We all can notice it except you or I think you too notice it but choose to ignore as you cannot go against your mom but can allow your wife to be insulted on daily basis!!"

"So, you of all people don't need to say me what to do or not!!"

"And coming to misbehaving with Mrs Jha, I wonder what is in her that everyone goes on taking her side and supporting her? I realised too late but eventually I did that she isn't what she portrays herself. She is the most vicious, cunning and selfish woman I came across who wants everything according to  her wish and everyone dancing on her tunes as her puppets. I was the biggest one as she needed me no not me but my money for her expenses. She looks so innocent and ingenuous that everyone believes her fake tears and her pout!!"

"Whenever anyone denied her or refused her for anything the tears readily flows from her eyes and that lips are ever ready to pout!!"

"I just don't understand how she manages to do that every single day. Doesn't you get tired of your acting??" asked Arnav to Anjali genuinely confused.

Anjali just shaked her head in as if denying all the accusions while tears flowed her eyes like waterfall and the pout was as if permanent on her lips..

"Stop!! Just stop crying Dammit!! I'm over with your tears and innocent face!!" barked Arnav frustrated with all the happenings..

"CHOTE!! stop saying such rubbish. We all know how Anjali bitiya is, you uttering all this cannot change the truth. As manorama said did your wife sent you here to accuse Anjali bitiya for that she can't even think of doing??" asked Nani abusively

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