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Two years later.



"WHAT!!!" Khushi was shocked learning Arnav had a accident and rushed out calling Peter to drive to the hospital.

"How did this happen Nanheji??" asked Khushi as soon as she arrived at hospital

"I don't know khushiji, I just received a call from Aman saying Nannav was hospitalized!!"

"HD!! Please keep my Arnavji fine. Nothing should happen to him!!" Prayed khushi hoping for the doctors to come out fast.

After an hour which felt like ages for khushi doctor came out of the operation theatre.

"How is he doctor??" asked Khushi as soon as she saw doctor.

"Who are You??" Asked doctor confused.

"I'm khushi, wife of Arnav Singh Raizada!!"

"Ok Mrs Raizada, I would like to talk to you in my cabin.."


Doctor's cabin

"Anything serious Doctor??"

"Nothing serious Mrs Raizada, he just got bruises which we bandaged and he will be fine in few days, but he won't be a father!!" Said doctor sympathically, shocking Khushi.


"In the accident his Testes are damaged and no treatment can repair them."

"But doctor, there can be a treatment right??"

"I'm afraid Mrs Raizada but no, we don't have any treatment for this. But only for your satisfaction I'll show his reports to seniors to know about the treatment."

"That will be fine doctor!!"

Khushi was so happy when Arnav agreed to start a family a week before but now his accident shattered all her hopes. After her miscarriage for six months Arnav was staying away from her. But later he started using protection when she protested he explained according to doctors we should wait atleast two years for a baby so she agreed.

But after two years too he did not agree to start a family. But after a lot of coaxing and her food-strike he agreed and now this accident.

She wiped her tears and faked a smile as she has to meet Arnav. She can't be sad as this may hurt him and make him guilty.


"What happened khushiji, what did the doctors say??"

"Nothing Nanheji, he just said that Arnavji needs a lot of rest as he will be weak due to blood loss!!"


"Ma'am the patient gained his conscious!!" Informed the nurse.


Khushi and NK went to see Arnav and saw him geting up only to wince as there was a bruise on his palm.

"Careful!!" Shouted khushi.

"What was the use of getting up Arnavji, you should have called me or anyone of you need anything!!" Scolded khushi softly.

"Ohh, so the roles are reversed now, is It??" Joked NK seeing khushi scolding Arnav

Khushi flushed at the comment and Arnav smirked seeing her flushed face.

"I'm fine Khushi, just a small accident!!"

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