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I'm sorry for the late update I was caught up with some works!!

5 years later


"Ansh come here !!" Shouted khushi running behind a small boy of 5 years with a glass of milk.

"No Mamma, I hale milky!!!" said Ansh (no Mamma I hate milk)

"Ansh I'm warning you, if you don't come here right now then I will complain about you to your Dada!!"

"Mamma I klow(know) you won(won't) do lhal!!" Giggled Ansh still running (Mamma I know you won't do that)

"Anshel Singh Raizada, stop where you are!!" Khushi said sternly.

Ansh knew this tone as his mamma uses this when she is angry so he stopped running and stood at his place like an obedient child. When he looked at his mother he was shocked as she was going to fall down he immediately ran towards her and clutched her hand preventing her from falling.

Khushi was coming towards Ansh when she did not see the water on the floor and was about to slip but Ansh held her at the right time.

"Mamma, how maly (many) limes shall I say you to walk popely, whal if somelhilg happened to my sisler!!" Scolded Ansh to his mother who was smiling at his son's concern. (Mamma how many times shall I say you to walk properly, what if something happened to my sister!!)

"Nothing can happen to me till I have my superman son!!" said khushi proudly hugging Ansh

"I'm solly Mamma, due to me you were going to fall!!" Ansh was guilty as she was running behind him. He promised his Dada to take care of his mom in his absence but he wasn't able to do it.

"It's ok little man, you caught me before I fall. So you don't need to feel guilty!!" Consoled khushi to her son

"But Mamma il is my duly to prolecl you and my lille sisler in the absence of Dada!!" Ansh said patting her 6 months pregnant belly.

"How do you know that it is your sister, it may be your brother too!!"

"I'm sure it my sister and Dada says too that it is my sister!!"

"Ok, now drink your milk then we will go to our NGO!!"

"Really??" asked Ansh excited as he loves to go to NGO

"Yes if only you complete your milk!!" Ansh hurriedly gulped his milk as he was really excited to go to NGO and play with many of his friends.

"See I filished, low come fast!!" Said Ansh holding Khushi's hands.

"Wait, let me inform your Dada and Maria!!" Khushi called Arnav and informed about their visit to NGO and asked Maria to prepare some snacks for the kids in NGO

When Ansh saw Maria he remembered how she did not do her work properly due to which his Mamma was going to fall.

"Where were you and why did you not clean this floor did you know Because of you mamma was going to fall down!!" Shouted Ansh in his childish voice

"I'm sorry Ansh!!"

"Don't you know I hate sorry, I will ask Dada to fire you!!" Threatened Ansh

"Ansh!!" Chided khushi.

"You don't say anything Mamma, she isn't doing her work and always busy with her phone!!" Ansh said sternly to his mom while he was glaring at Maria who was bowing her head afraid to loose her job.

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