Handcuffed to Zander

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Chapter 46: Now

Song Chapter: Redbone by Childish Gambino

Song Chapter: Redbone by Childish Gambino

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Aria Evans


Gasping, I felt my knees cave into the ground. I felt my fear increase as I witnessed not one of us make a sudden movement. The gunshot sound slowly disappeared, leaving nothing but its smoke. Luckily, that smoke was no where near us.

Focusing my eyes, I found myself staring at Dylan, his hand holding high a silver gun. My eyes widened. I didn't know what the heck was happening and I was beginning to think that this was all a dream. I've never witnessed Dylan holding a gun, let alone pointing it right at a feared eyed Jc.

"Dylan? What are you doing?!"

I found myself speaking, causing Dylan and the rest to look at my direction. The cars around kept quiet, not a sound coming from any. Zander moved slightly towards me but Derek held him back, his eyes focused on one of the idiots who held Sandy, a pocket knife held directly near her neck.

Oh my god.

Feeling a presence behind me, I screamed. Something sharp was brought to my neck and I found a broken beer bottle glass held to it. The other guy of the three held a tight grip on me, his hot breath felt behind my neck.

My legs started to shake and I couldn't help but stare at Zander, his fist clenched by his side. I didn't want him to do anything reckless so I weakly smiled at him, nodding to reassure him that I was fine.

I was a scarred mess.

"You better tell your dogs to drop their toys before I shoot one through your big fuckin head!"

Jc tutted at Dylan's threat and I heard a snort coming from the guy behind me. My eyes led me to Sandy who held my gaze instantly, her eyes held a knowing look and I nodded. I understood what we needed to do, so on the count of three we agreed.


"You know that I can't do that D, but it's good to see you."


"Let them go Jc."


Lifting my foot, I kicked it back, landing it on the guy's shin who grunted, letting me go for a second. Using that second, I ran off in the direction that I knew I would be safe. Looking back I saw Sandy doing the same, landing one in the guy's jewels making him howl to the ground.

Before I could think, I felt a tug on my left hand. The idiot that was holding me prior was now holding tightly onto the chain of my half of the handcuff.

Huffing annoyingly at him and the stupid handcuff, I did what any normal person would do.

I pulled the guy unexpectedly to the ground, kicking him quite hard on his head when he left his guard down, earning myself free from him. Groaning with relief, I ran towards my wanted destination.

Into the arms of Zander Bue. Who held me back just as tightly, a sigh leaving his body.

"Thank god you're okay."

Lifting my head, I couldn't help but grin at the boy giving me concern.

My feelings were hard for this boy and I didn't know what to do. Especially since all the boys weren't telling Sandy and I the whole truth.

As Dylan made sure both Sandy and I were safe he turned back towards the three who seemed angry to no end.

"Now if you're smart enough Jc, I think you and your buddies should leave."

Jc held no emotion in his features, not even a glint of sweat from the heat of the almost summer night. The other two though, held fear, dirt on both their faces as they frowned from probably all the blows Sandy and I landed on them.

Finally, Jc held his hands up, nodding slightly in a truce. Backing away slowly, he led himself and his dogs towards their respective cars, everybody else following his footsteps, seeing as the show was over.

Some people stayed back, probably wanting to see what will happen next. Dylan wasn't having any of that though, he held up his gun, not before screaming.

"All of you should get the fuck out of here if you know what's good for you."

And at his cue, cars revved out of the school's parking lot one by one, leaving just the six of us in a tense silence.

What the hell just happened?

I felt like we were in an action movie filled of gang violence and lots of ammo, which now that you think of it was gang violence.

The boys in front of me were no boys that I knew. They all seemed different tonight, as if there was something from their past that came hunting after them.

Something that they didn't want anyone else to see.

Lifting my head, I looked straight at a emotionless Zander. His whole demeanor looking tensed.

In my eyes he looked tired, his light honey eyes seemed drowsy. His jaw moved slowly as his frown widened. He seemed to be having thoughts go by in his mind as he turned to look back at me.

That's when all his emotions started showing. One out of all scratching out of me.

He was scared.

Zander was scared and I needed to know of what.

Grabbing a hold of him, I hugged him. He took a while to hug me back though, probably confused as to why I was.

Sighing into his neck, I moved my mouth to his ear.

"You need to tell me what the hell is going on Zander. And you need to tell me now."

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