Chapter 8

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~ Error's POV ~

I woke up with a groan. I looked around and found myself on a couch. I tried to sit up but pain shot through my bones. I gridded my teeth and inhaled and exhaled. I saw Fresh walk downstairs and rush to my side. He knelt down and put his hand on my cheek. I breathed heavily and weakly looked at him. He stroked my cheek gently with a worried look. Pink-purple tears went down his cheeks. "H-hEy.. D-dOnT.. cRy.." I said weakly. I managed a smile. He breathed heavily and I weakly lifted my hand, wiping his tears. "I-iM oKaY fReSh.." I said. He inhaled and exhaled and looked like he was holding back.

~ Fresh's POV ~

"wHaT hApPeNeD?" Error asked me. "Ink attacked you.. I told him you're good.. h-he shouldn't bother you.. you're gonna be o-okay.." I stuttered. He gently cupped his hand around my cheek. "ShHhHh.." he cooed. I gently hugged him and sobbed. He gently hugged me and winced. "Error I.. I love you so much yo!" I said. I felt myself blush. Error blushed heavily. "I.. i LoVe YoU tOo.." he said. I wiped my eyes and leaned in. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him. Error kissed back, his face glitchy while he blushed bright yellow. I broke the kiss "get some rest.." I said. Error nodded and laid back. I sat next to the couch and watched tv, every now and then checking up on sleeping Error.

A Rad Tale of Glitchy Love (Fresh x Error)Where stories live. Discover now