Meeting Team 10

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Logan's POV
Why Don't We, Emma and I where in our Uber going to the first place on the list: Team 10 house.

"So Emma, how's Canada?" I ask.

"Pretty well, we have a new prime minister who, I have to say, has quite the look." She laughs at the camera. "How is your new president?" She says trying not to laugh.

"I would prefer to trade him with your president. Who is the worst candidate for Canada, like Canada's Trump?"

"Tom Mulcair. Similar age, similar crazyness, less money though." She shrugged.

"So, how's your parents?" Corbyn asks.

"Well, my Mom is over seas and my Dad... Well let's just say he disappeared." She looked a little sad, not enough so the camera could see but I knew Emma and she was a slight level of disappointed and upset.

"Sorry I asked." Corbyn blushed.

"So, Emma, have you been watching Jake's Vlogs?" I ask.

"Actually I haven't seen the last three. But I like yours more because the more adventure, then pranks and drama. You know what I mean?"

"Yes! So your a Logangster?"

"I'm a Maverick and Logang Pauler and Paul." She said as she dabbed after.

"Oh snap!" I said. We pull up to Jake's drive way. We get out and ring the door bell. Emma hears Jake open the door and runs around to the front of the garage as Jake shoots up with his super nerf gun. Anthony, Chad, Kade and Chance follow him.

"Suck it Logang!" He yelled as he approached Emma she lifts the gun up, punches him in the stomach and takes the gun and points it at Jake. Scarring off Chance, Anthony, Chad and making Kade come to Jake's aid on the ground getting some air.

"One, no one says 'Suck it' to my cousin. Two, no one shoots a nerf gun at me. Three, get up, I didn't hit you that hard." She says.

"Emma!" Jake hugs her as I walk toward them.

Emma's POV

"Logan!" We all hug each other.

"Your here!" He says hugging me harder.

"Ja-jake! I-I ne-ed air!" I squeeze out. He let's go and laughs.

"Oh yeah. So..." He raises his vlog camera to us. "What's up?"

"Nothing much. Are you going to introduce me to the Jake Paulers?"

"Yeah, so this is my little cousin Emma who will be staying in L.A for a while! Now Emma, this is Uncle Kade, Chance, Anthony, and Chad. Who you seen in the Vlogs."

"Hi!" I wave. Uncle Kade hugs me.

"Hello Madame." Chad holds my hand a kisses it. Making me smile.

"Your much prettier than Jake and Logan. How are you related?" Chance asks.

"She maybe prettier but who's sexier?" Jake asks.

"If Emma puts on more revealing clothes on, we'll see." Anthony shrugs.

All I could do is laugh. Uncle Kade laughs and so does Logan, Jake, Daniel, Zack and Corbyn in a sarcastic tone.

"So? Where's your new wife?" I ask Jake.

"She's in her room. Come in I'll show you around." He guestires me into the house which is trashed, graffitied, and dirty. Making me lucky to live with Logan. Soon out comes Erika.

"Hi! You must be Emma!"

"Hi! Oh my gosh your Erika Costell. I'm a total Costella." I comment.

"Oh that's so sweet." She smiles. Seconds later more people join. Like there already wasnt enough. "Have you met the twins?"

"No I havent." I shake my head.

"Follow me." She takes my hand to the backyard and there are the twins. "Emilio, Ivan this is Emma. Jake's little cousin."


"Hi. Are you as savage as Jake?" Emilio asks.

"Close enough." I joke.

Behind me is Logan. "Emma this is Nick, Ray, Justin, Tessa, Alex, AJ and Tristan."

"Hi, again." I say, feeling a little overwhelmed. This is all of Team 10!

"Well, we should get going. Right Logan?" Zack asks.

"Why?" He asks.

"We wanted to show Emma the new movie!" Zack says turning to Logan.

"Oh yeah! Come on Emma." Logan pulls my hand.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Logan you can't just take Emma. How about we join you guys?" Jake asks.

"Sure. Hurry up." Logan says as we head out to our Uber.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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