Part 1 - another morning

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Sunday morning 10:30am, at the chipettes house

It was now Sunday morning and Brittany was feeling a lot better today then she did yesterday. She was walking today even though her legs were still hurting a little. However the cream Alvin got her has helped make the pain go away. Also Brittany's headache had gone and she just seemed a lot happier today rather then yesterday. 

"Hi Jeanette what are you watching on TV?" Asked Brittany

"Oh I'm watching Love island, I think it's great" said Jeanette

"Oh wow, sounds cool I might as well watch it with you I don't have anything else to do" said Brittany

Brittany sat with Jeanette in the sofa in the living room and watched Love island with her. 

"Hi Brittany and Jeanette" called Eleanor

"Hi sister, come and sit with us we are watching Love island" said Jeanette

"Oh no thanks I don't like programs like that" said Eleanor

"Ok then suit yourself" replied Jeanette

"I am going to get something to eat I have not had breakfast yet" said Brittany trying to escape the program Jeanette was watching 

10 minutes later, Brittany came back to the sofa with a plate of waffles and a cup of fruit juice 

"Wow I'm hungry today" said Brittany  

Jeanette looked a bit confused "that's not like you normally, that's more like Eleanor" joked Jeanette

"I heard that" shouted Eleanor 

Brittany and Jeanette laughted at her sister shouting

Miss hobnob came in the room. 

"Wow Brittany you are looking brighter today" said miss hobnob 

"What do you mean?" Asked Brittany who was a bit confused 

"Your fur looks lighter and brighter then normal" said miss hobnob "it makes you stand out even more now when your performing with your sisters" joked miss hobnob 

Brittany looked at her fur. "Wow your right, my fur is a slightly different colour" said Brittany in a surprised voice

"Well I'm just going to see the neighbor next door back soon girls" said miss hobnob before leaving the room

"Jeanette what's wrong with me? Why am I a different colour?" Said Brittany in a worried voice

"I don't know Brittany but it is probably nothing to worry about, I will look it up later online and tell you if you want" suggested Jeanette

"I will check myself, just incase it's anything bad" said Brittany

"Are you sure I would check if you wanted" said Jeanette

"No it's fine thanks for offering to help though" said Brittany

"I will find out what is wrong with me myself and if it is bad then I will have to tell Alvin and see if he can help me" Brittany thought to herself    

After Brittany had finished eating her waffles and drinking her fruit juice she spoke up

"I'm going to get ready now Jeanette, will watch the rest of Love island with you later ok?" Asked  Brittany 

"Yea that's fine Brittany, see you later" said Jeanette  

With that Brittany left the room and went up to the bathroom for a shower to freshen up for the day.

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now