Chapter 2

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Second chapter is up, hope you like it :D

Michaela's picture ------------------------------------------------------>

Good Reading

Chapter 2

The first thing that raced through my mind was ‘I must look like a cartoon’. I stood in front of that man, whose name I didn't even know, with my mouth hanging open and my eyes wide in disbelief.

My mind was blank like a white sheet.

I had never considered myself as a beautiful person. My hair was a brown mess of waves and curls, most of the times too wild to tame and, reached the middle of my back. As I was not very tall, only 5'4, I needed to lose at least 15 pounds, pounds that resisted with every strength to leave my body. Michaela, one of those women that one time was your friend and the other was telling you to lose weight or you'd die alone, had suggested countless diets, the problem was, after two or three days, I was starving and ended up eating that chocolate cupcake, that the cafe where I lunched always had. So, no, I wasn't a skinny girl. My eyes were a dull blue, most of the time appearing more grey than blue and I had a few freckles that annoyed me more than my hair. Most of the days I was decent, in rare cases when I would dress up a little more, I managed to look cute or pretty, but never beautiful.

Michaela was always the beautiful one, with her long fiery hair, sparkling blue eyes, tall and slender and alway, always dressed like a runway model. It made sense if he was asking her on a date instead of me.

"Well?" He called me out of my tumultuous thoughts.

I couldn't go out with him, I just couldn't. Not only because I would feel like a rat near him, but because I didn't date guys like him. Never. Maybe it was because of my self-esteem but, the only two guys I had ever dated were always what you would call 'safe'. Good jobs, clean reputation and clearly not tattoed or pierced. I wanted someone that would come home at 5 pm and would ask me about my day, not involving police chases or shootings between gangs. He was everything I avoided.

In fact, no one like him would have any kind of interest me, I was plane, boring and enjoyed my simple life, while he spent his nights in a bar, doing God knows what with God knows who. He was just not the guy for me. But now I had to tell him that.

Cowardly, I told him the only thing I could remember. "I'm sorry but...I'm already seeing someone."

You know when you're looking at someone and their faces turn stone cold? When you actually see their eyes darkening, see their jaws working as they grit their teeth together and the room seems to become colder? That was exactly what happened. His entire massive body stiffened and his hands fisted, as he kept glaring at me like I had shot his mother. He didn't talk, there was no need because I could sense in my skin his anger. The man was not mad, he was seething and I didn't knew why. Had he never been rejected? Well, I could teach him how to deal with it, I was well trained in that.

"Is it exclusive?" He suddenly asked, his words barely understandable because he was still gritting his teeth.


"Can you see anyone else or just him?" He almost growled at me, annoyed with my ignorance.

"Just him." I hesitantly said, not quite understanding the finallity of his question. Did he think I would date two guys at the same time? Maybe he did but I would never do that to anyone, it was just awful.

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