SICK! Licht X Reader

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Pressing an ear against the youngest prince's bedroom door, a small frown crawled onto your features as you listened intently before letting out a sigh.

Raising a fist, you knocked the wooden surface and soon enough a couple of footsteps were heard before the door swung open, almost taking your nose with it.
You stumbled back a bit, putting on a solemn expression before you addressed Licht's so-called 'friends'.

"The prince needs some rest if he is to get better quickly. Can you all please leave?"

The girl who opened the door thought for a moment before nodding quickly and calling over her shoulder.
"Aww, we wanted to spend more time with you prince, but you need to rest so we'll see you later~!"

Her high pitched squeaky voice made you inwardly cringe, but your smile never faltered - you could say you were getting better at keeping up an act.

You waited for the giggling girls to leave the room before stepping inside and shutting the door behind you with a quiet sigh.
The room was quite spacious and decorous, - obviously it would be since it belonged to royalty...

Letting your gaze linger, you focused upon a mass of strawberry blond sprawled out on the bed.
You hadn't been in this room before, and being here alone with the Prince in his most vulnerable state made you all the more nervous...

Putting down the tray you were carrying you looked about uncertainly.

You had been assigned to keep an eye on him and make sure his 'friends' didn't bother him, and also to make sure he took his medicine.

Fidgeting with your fingers, you blinked letting your gaze settle on the figure on the bed and hesitantly took a step forward.

'Is he asleep?'

Biting your lip, you came to stand near the bed a gasp almost escaping you as you took in the sight of Licht's pretty features, - his lovely blond locks that were carelessly littered about his fair skinned face and the lightly flushed slopes of his cheekbones due to fever.
His cracked lips were parted slightly and quiet sniffles escaped him as he breathed, - the sign of a stuffy nose.

You hesitated for a moment, watching his chest rise and fall steadily before slowly reaching out a hand and carefully brushing the strawberry blond strands away from his face.

'His eyes are so pretty, - so bright and blue and.....wait!'

You abruptly pulled your hand back stuttering an apology when you realized that Licht had been staring at you. You had been so absorbed in your thoughts that you hadn't noticed when his eyes had fluttered open and were looking up at you in confusion.

"(Name) - *cough* chan?"

Your cheeks grew red as you replied in a fluster.
"S-sorry to disturb you, your highness!"

Your response drew out a raspy chuckle from the male, as he shifted himself up onto his elbows.
"It's OK! Obviously you wouldn't have been able to hold back~!"

Licht coughed into his fist, his pretty blue eyes drifting over to you as you straightened yourself up, ignoring what he just said.

"I - I have been instructed to help you get better!"
You announced hastily, and then turned to pick up the bowl of soup you had brought for him.
"You haven't eaten anything since morning, so I brought you soup!"

Licht's eyes widened slightly as he took in the information before sniffling again and a faint smile crossed his features.
"Could it be that (Name)-chan was worried about me~?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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