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I watched as the poor freshman fell to the ground, the contents of his bag spewing out onto the floor. He began to reach for his books, but stopped when a firm boot pressed its way into his hand. He whimpered and looked up at his tormentor who just smirked down at him in return. The bully removed his foot from his victim's hand, the kid wincing at the sudden release of pressure. He grabbed the helpless boy's collar and pulled him up to meet his eyes.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said in an eerily calm voice.

Why no one was helping this poor kid was beyond me. Well that's not entirely true, I know the reason. If anyone interfered the punishment would be passed onto them.

All of this just because the poor kid wasn't paying attention to where he was going, I thought.

The tyrant let the kid go, his victim falling back down to the ground at his feet. The boy scrambled back till his back hit the wall. The bully rolled his eyes and turned to sift through the kid's stuff that was still scattered around the hallway. He turned back to the kid who was still trembling in fear.

"Where's your wallet?" he demanded.

"I d-don't have one," he tried lying.

His captor bent back down in front of him. He smirked again and looked to the side and let out a little chuckle. He was amused by this kid's attempt to keep his money.

He suddenly looked back to the kid and grabbed onto the side of his head. His smirk disappeared. He had a tight grip on the kid's head and a deadly glare on his face.

"Don't you know lying is a sin?" he half joked.

The kid gulped, his eyes widening. He realized he'd chosen the wrong words.

"I-I-I-" the boy stuttered.

"Spit it out already!"

I've seen enough. Someone has to put a stop to this and it might as well be me.

"Hey! Why don't you just leave him alone?" I yelled while walking closer to the scene.

Both of the boys looked up at me, one in shock and the other in anger. My eyes met with the tormentor and his gaze softened ever so slightly. I just kept a stern look on my face. He let go of the kid and stood back up. I helped the boy gather his things while his would be aggressor stood by and watched, not taking his eyes off of the scene. The boy looked between me and his assailant before putting the last of his things back in his bag and running off. He gave me a thankful nod and a soft 'thank you'. I returned my gaze to the perpetrator in front of me. He just stared at me. Everyone was whispering around us trying to figure out why the schools most feared student would listen to me. He finally broke his eyes away from mine and ruffled his hair in frustration. He probably can't figure out why he listened to me either. When he looked back up to me he had a lopsided grin on his face.

"Long time, no talk Annabelle," he said.

I didn't answer him. Instead I turned around and started heading toward my class.

I can't believe I just did that! Why did I do that?! I began to question my actions.

I couldn't let this continue though. I can't let him terrorize the school any longer. I don't know what happened to him, but I can't just continue to let my ex-best friend bully everyone. Kai needed to be stopped.

Author's Note:

Hi. Basically this is the first story I've decided to let the world read. I've written stories before, but I never let anyone read them out of fear that they'll make fun of me or they'll think I'm a bad writer, but I want to put myself out more. I hope you enjoy my story. Constructive criticism is appreciated, but insults are not. 

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