Chapter 2

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I barely made it to my class on time after my little interaction with Kai. That can't happen again. He thinks that just because he forced me to talk to him we're suddenly friends again. We will never be friends. Not after everything he's done.

Other than the encounter during first period nothing much exciting has happened throughout today. Everything proceeded as normal. Well other than Amber asking me a million questions about why I was almost late to class. She made me tell her everything, and she fangirled the whole time. I'm surprised I don't have a headache between the squeals and my eyes rolling back in my head.

Surprisingly I survived the rest of the day though. I can tell Kai has been watching me, and probably waiting for Amber to leave my side so he could attempt to talk to me. I've been ignoring his stares though. Unless I need to save some poor freshman from being beaten, I want nothing to do with him.

After the last bell rang Amber and I headed toward my house. We do this almost every day unless one of us has something to do elsewhere. She comes over to my house to hang out and do homework until her parents come home. She claims it's because her house is creepy when she's by herself. I think she just likes to steal our food.

"When's the last time you went grocery shopping?" She asked as she browsed through my cabinets and fridge.

"Um last week," I told her.

"You have no snacks," She whined.

"That's because you ate them all," I accused.

"I did not!"

"If you say so," I sighed and began walking upstairs.

She soon followed giving up her search to eat all of my food. We reached my mom's office room which I've turned into my study room. It was easier to just add another desk in here and move some things around than to try and share the desk in my room. Plus we get rolling office chairs and a stereo. My mom's never home anyways, so it's not like she notices.

I plugged my phone into the stereo and started the playlist. We don't really listen to the music it just keeps the room from being uncomfortably quiet.

"Ugh I hate math," I heard Amber groan from her desk.

I looked over her shoulder at what her assignment was.

"Are you serious?" I asked her. "I was learning this as a freshman."

"Well we can't all be math geniuses like you Annabelle," she defended.

I rolled my eyes and wheeled my chair over to her desk to explain the problem to her. Just as she began to grasp how to do this type of problem my phone buzzed. I went over to see who had texted me. When I saw the text I was disappointed, but not surprised. Amber noticed that I hadn't put the music back on yet and turned in her chair to face me.

"Is it your mom?" she asked in a low voice.

"Yeah," I sighed. "She's going to be gone for at least another week."

My mom had a habit of doing this, breaking promises. As soon as I was old enough to fend for myself she began going off on business trips for weeks at a time. How she can do this you may ask? Well according to the law as long as someone is watching me I'm allowed to stay in the house on my own. My neighbor, Clarese Mason, checks in on me from time to time. She's only in her mid-twenties so she's kind of like an older sister to me. I'm lucky to have her as a neighbor. Also my mom left me a debit card and she puts money in the account when I need it, so I can buy necessities. Other than that I'm pretty much on my own.

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