Chapter 1

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"Oh my gosh!" Two hands slapped down on my desk.

I looked up from my book in shock to see my best friend Amber staring at me with wide eyes. I just gave her a questioning look.

"I can't believe you stood up to Kai!" She looked at me in disbelief.

"To be honest with you, neither can I." I sighed.

Amber seemed to be the only one who remembered the time when Kai and I were friends. She respects that it's a touchy subject and usually doesn't talk about him to me. I guess with an event like this morning she decided to confront me about it.

"Ann! What are you going to do if he comes after you now?"

I really wasn't concerned. I don't believe he had it in him to hurt me.

"I highly doubt that'll happen," I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever I'm still not leaving your side just in case that psychopath comes after you," she linked our arms for emphasis.

I rolled my eyes once again and turned back to my book. After a minute Amber spoke up again.

"What was he like?"

I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Up close I mean," she clarified.

For some reason, all the girls in this school swoon over Kai. They treat him like a celebrity and every girl wants him. Well every girl except me. Dating doesn't seem to be at the front of his mind either.

"I don't know. Brooding and sinister?" I tried.

"Ooh sounds hot," she gushed.

"Seriously? You're only embarrassing yourself," I said nonchalantly.

"I honestly don't understand how you can just ignore him like that," she said slightly annoyed.

She seems to think that I gave up on him to easily. Not in a romantic way, but she thinks I let go of our friendship without putting up a fight. I disagree.

"Simple, I refuse to be associated with someone who hurts other people for fun," I stated simply.

"He doesn't go after everyone."

I gave her a warning look.

"He only goes after people who are weak or nerdy," she said indifferently.

"Don't defend him. Bullying people makes him less attractive anyway."

"So you admit he's attractive?" she said with a smirk.

"What? No. I-" I tried, but she cut me off.

"As much as I would like to see you squirm over the subject, I can't. I have to go talk to Sam about the answers to our English homework," she explained.

"Okay, but I seriously didn't mean-"

"Doesn't matter," she cut me off again. "I have to go. See you later."

She waved bye and walked away presumably to find Sam. She wasn't in this class anyway.

Soon after Amber left, class started. I don't particularly like Chemistry, but it involves a lot of math and I am really good at math. This small fact makes this class incredibly easy for me, so I don't really ever pay attention. Thankfully I sit next to the window in the back of class. When I get bored I can just stare out the window and think. Usually there's not much to see. The school is in the middle of the city, so all you can really see are roads, shops, and our field used for P.E. and sports. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, the P.E. class actually goes outside and plays a sport which makes class a lot more interesting.

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