The Maze

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I woke up in a grassy area. I looked around and noticed I was in a maze. Who would do this? I found a flashlight and a note. It made me laugh slightly because it was like amnesia I sighed and put the light on the note and it read:

We have decided to test you. Just you. No one else. We selected you because you are smart, Fast, Small, And You have a distinct way of thinking when you need too. First trial is you have to get through the maze and to the Mansion. There will be challenges. You life is not in danger yet but you must move quickly. If you look forward of you you'll see a small red button. Press that and it will notify us that you are up and ready for your challenges. We will speak with you the entire time. If you point your Flash light up you'll see a speaker.

                                                                                                                  ~Your Kidnappers~

I looked around and found the button and the speaker. I hesitantly stood up and walked over to the button. I pressed it lightly and I heard a slight cough and a sigh. I waited for the person to actually speak.  I was quiet nervous about what I was going to hear.

"Hello. Good Morning sleepy head. We never thought you'd wake up." A adorable British accent of a man rang out from the speakers.

 "Who are you? Are you the only one?" I asked while looking down at the note again.

"No. Their is three more. They aren't here yet. They had to go take care of some stuff." He said sweetly.

"Oh. What's my first trial?" I asked while starting to walk through the maze.

"It's to get the key from the maze and get to the house. You got all the time in the world. I have a lot of tea and coffee so I will but up with you." He said happily.

"That's nice." I nodded a bit annoyed and walked along.

It took me about three hours of walking around to find Key. But it was locked in a glass box. Their was a riddle on the top. My name is in this riddle.

"I'll make my mark. And I am a great multiplier."

"I'll make my mark and he's a great multiplier?" I thought it over for a minute. What could  it be? DUH! It's obvious!!!!. I typed in the name Markiplier. The glass opened. and I was able to get the key.

"Hey look you fig-" The British voice was interrupted my a much deeper American voice.

"Hey! I told you not to talk to her when I'm not around!" The deep voice shouted.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to let her know we can talk to her and hear her!" The British voice yelled back.

"Just go and hang out in the other room with the others." The deep voice said while calming down.

"Wow." I said quickly while trying to find the mansion.

I walked around bored out of my mind. The I finally say on the ground in the middle of maze and sighed. At the rate I was going I was never going to get out of the maze. I started to actually cry. I didn't wanna do this maze. I wanted to go home and watch Markiplier.

"Hey? Why are you crying?" The deep voice said while eating.

"I just wanna go home. I never did anything to get kidnapped." I cried with my head in my hands.

"Don't cry! You didn't do anything. We are just testing your knowledge. How about this. We will send someone out to bring you to the mansion." The deep voice said sounding kind of sad.

"Sure." I wiped my eyes.

"Alright stay there I'll send a guy out." He answered quickly.

 About twenty minutes later a man with a black mask on showed up. I offered me his hand and I noticed his eyes looked slightly red.

"Which one are you?" I asked as we walked.

"I'm the first one." He said with his British accent.

"Oh." I said shortly while nodding.

The walk to the mansion seemed to last forever and it was completely silent. He opened the door for me and then slammed it. When I turned around he was no longer behind me. I was still nervous and my eyes hurt from crying. I was now hopefully safe in the mansion.

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