Chapter Two: Jillian

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Herro my lil stalkers, sorry about the absence. My fiancé and I split up so now I'm living at home again trying to save up to move out of state. Well here is chapter two.


Evy's POV:

All six people in the class, and that includes Mr. Magic, looked at us. "Hello Evy, who is this young man?"

"Hey Mr. Magic, this is Jae. He's the new kid, I'm just showing him around cause we have the same classes."

"Nice to meet you Jae, pick a seat anywhere."

"Nice to meet you too. Mr. Magic?"

I chuckled, "Don't worry, you'll understand why we call him Mr. Magic. But he only does this stuff for our Honors class because there are less than ten of us in here and that includes him." I walked towards my seat next to the window and sat down.

"Is this seat taken?" I looked and saw Jae smiling and pointing to the seat next to me, I shook my head and smiled back.

"Okay class, today we will be reviewing limits." I already knew limits like I knew my music playlist, so I put in one of my earbuds and pulled out my pencil and sketch pad. By the end of class I had quite successfully drawn Marvin the Martian disintegrating a mock model of the Earth.

Jae looked over and saw my picture, "Wow, Marvin the Martian, nice. Oh and I get why the teacher is called Mr. Magic." he said pointing to the front, I looked and quietly laughed. Mr. Magic was in his cape and top hat and was doing another card trick.

"Hey, he makes class fun." I said as the bell rang.

Jae and I stood up after I put away my sketch pad, "Where to next Evy?"

I grabbed my purse while Jae grabbed my book bag again, "Gym class, so come on, we have to go outside." We left the classroom and went to the elevator, I hit button one and we waited in silence.

When the doors opened I walked out as quickly as I could, "Come on Jae, we gotta hurry. The gym is all the way across the football field and you still have to dress out."

Jae quickened his pace, "How much time do we have to get there?"

"Everyone else has five minutes but they give me seven which isn't long when you waddle like a fat penguin."

He chuckled, "You're not fat Evy."

I smiled, "Oh I know, trust me, I have the ultrasounds to prove I'm not fat." he chuckled again. The bell rang when we were three quarters of the way across the field, "Damnit, I really don't want another detention this week."

He put his arm around my shoulders as we fast walked, "Don't worry, you were showing the new student around. I don't think you'll get a detention for that."

I looked at him and smiled as we reached the double doors, "Thanks Jae."

"No problem Martian."

I snorted unattractively, "Well that's a first." When we walked in I pointed him to the boys lockeroom and tried to take my book bag.

"Nope, I told you I was gonna carry it."

I shook my head, "No, my ex is in our gym class and has been known to go through my bag and take my stuff for 'fun'."

"Then I'll put it in my locker."

I sighed heavily, "Fine, but please lock your locker. Not everyone does. I started doing it after my ex had his little sister's bestfriend steal fifty bucks from my wallet so he could buy a new hat."

He chuckled, "Don't worry I always lock my lockers."

I smiled, "Good, now get going, you're late."

Jae saluted me and grinned, "Yes ma'am." I laughed as he walked towards the boys lockeroom. When he was gone I walked into the gym and over to the bleachers. As I was sitting down on the first row Jillian and her two minions, Justine and Judith, walked over and stood in front of me with there hands on their hips in bitch stance.

"What do you want now Jillian, have you come to call me a whore again?" I asked with an obviously fake smile.

She smirked, "I saw you with the new guy and thought to myself, now why

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