Moving Out

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Skyler's POV:

I'm currently at the airport in Ohio waiting for my flight to LA. I check my watch, I still have half an hour before they start boarding; I look around and head off in the direction of the duty free shops.

You must be wondering who I am, I can't believe I haven't introduced myself yet! Hi I'm Skyler Jones and I'm 16 years old; I guess I'm classified as a youtuber, I only started recently but have gained quite a following already. I'm currently in the process of moving to LA, yes I know you're thinking 'how is she 16 and moving to an entirely different state by herself?!' Well I was originally going to move out with my parents but that didn't quite work out. My parents are no longer together. My dad is a big businessman who doesn't really care what I do, my mum however is too out of it most of the time to even know I exist. I know you must be wondering if I'm nervous. I guess I am a little but I'm also super excited. At home I basically lived by myself anyways as my mum was never home, and when she was she was too drunk to notice me being there. Moving to LA is a fresh start, away from my past. Away from him...

"5 minutes till we start boarding, 5 minutes"

I jump slightly, the loud voice scaring me. I grab my suitcase and rucksack and start heading towards the gates where a long line has already formed. I stand behind a tall man and wait for what feel likes hours. I finally get on the plane and start the search for my seat. I find it and silently celebrate the fact that I got the seat by the window. However, I'm not sitting for long before a flight attendant approaches me and leans over to clarify my name.

"Hi, are you miss Skyler Jones?"

"Um yes, why?" I reply confusion clouding my face

"Don't worry nothing is wrong, I've just come to inform you that you have been upgraded to first class."

"First class? Why? By who?" But I already knew the answer, my father, the multi millionaire businessman. Granted he wasn't too happy about me moving out to LA on my own; however he knew the condition of my 'mother' and was well aware that he would not be able to take care of me due to the constant travelling he must do himself. Regardless of his concern, he still went out of his way to buy me a penthouse apartment in the most expensive area of LA., the upgrade however is a surprise. Nevertheless, I gather my bags and head to the front of the plane, unable to ignore the glares thrown at me by other passengers.

I sit comfortably, silently reminding myself to thank my dad as soon as I land. I grab my vlog camera out of my bag and let everyone know that I'm currently on the plane to LA. I plug my headphones in and zone out, falling asleep to the soothing sounds of 'Its everyday bro' by Team 10.

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