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ESP: Sorry it took so long! This is from TheMaidenOfTheHunt! "So boys, what about the rest ofthe FACE family? Y'all close?"

Allen: Well considering the fact that Oliver has to kidnapped us to have family dinner, and that Francios ignores my existance.... For me not really but we have each others backs.

Matt: I.. yes? Francios is pretty chill, and Oliver has NO chill. At all. They're also to loud for my tastes so, meh? I still love them even if they're a tad overbearing.

Alfred: Me and Arthur's relationship is strained but I still see him as a brother... of sorts? Dad? IDK. Francis acts like a big brother all the time he's nice. Wish I was closer to them at times.

Matthew: Francis is Mon Papa of course we're close. Arthur didn't really notice me much but he's really kind when he does. I wanna be closer to them but I don't know how.

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