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ESP: Hiya! We have another question! This is from Aph_Nyo_Romania, "So... Alfred... You ever gonna tell them 'bout the burger incident?" 

Matthew: Ohh I remember that!

Alfred: Nope! Nope! Nope!*Puts hands over ears* LALALALALALALALAlaLALALALALA

Allen: Okay now I want to know...

Matt: Mattie~ Tell us the story Please?

Matthew: So one time Alfred was really bored in a meeting and decided to hit up Tony for a way to not be bored. Tony had the Brilliant idea of mass transportation. Alfred was hungry so he suggested burgers.

Allen: You said Mass Transportation right?

Mattie: Yup. 3498 hamburgers suddenly dropped on everyone. At once. And almost broke England's spine cause tony hates him and made 158 drop on him. The whole time Alfred was cackling like a mad man and Germany banned him from talking to Tony during meetings for 6 months. And everyone had burgers for lunch. I think that Romania's arm broke during all of this too.

Alfred: I said I was sorry! I paid for his medical bills! 

ESP: Sorry this wasn't that funny. ;-; I kind suck at funny...

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