The silence

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I woke up on Shawn's arm.I tried to get up slowly so he couldn't hear me.I don't want things to be awkward between us.I don't want to ruin this connection that we share,connection that made me have hope for the first time in a long time.

I got up and I wanted to go to the bathroom but something caught my eye.I saw a picture of Shawn and some of his friends.I took it and just observed it.They all seemed to be having a good time.I miss this.I miss having was a lot easier before.It was easier to have someone to talk to.A tear runs down my cheek and falls on the photo.I quickly wipe it with my shirt.I really hope I will be able to make new friends when the summer holiday is over.

After I brushed my teeth and took a long shower,I went downstairs.I was the only one awake so I decided to make breakfast.My mom always used to do this.She would wake up a lot earlier just to prepare breakfast.Then,we talked about everything.Every single damn thing.God,I miss them.They were always there for me when no one was.

Right after I finished,Karen came downstairs.

"Emma,sweetheart,what have you done?!This looks delicious!"

"Thank you!I hope you don't mind.My mother always used to do this for me and I thought it would be nice of me to do the same for you.I had an amazing time last night.I finally felt what it's like to have your family back!"

"Oh,sweetie,of course I don't mind!I am so sorry for your parents!I am sure they would be very proud of you.And don't even think for a second that you don't have a family.You have us now."

She hugged me very tight and I loved it.It felt like my mom was hugging me again.

"Where is Shawn?"

"He was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up."

"Ugh,he is so lazy!"she said and we both started to laugh.

"Who is lazy?"Shawn said while coming downstairs

"Good morning,sleepy head!Did you sleep well?"I asked.

"Of course I did."he said giving me a kiss on my cheek.

He did it again.God,all these mixed signals.I felt my cheeks turning red so I placed both of my hands on my cheeks.My hands are always cold so I am trying to stop myself from blushing.

"Jeez,mom,you did all of these?"

"NO,honey.Your sweet girlfriend did this on her own."

"Oh my god,I love you so much!"

He does what?He loves me?I am trying so hard to process all of these things.How come he loves me?Is this an act?I am so confused right now.This happens when you let your feelings get in your way.

"I..I love you too!"I say trying to smile and act like I really mean it.But it wasn't that hard.I mean,I can't love him,right?We just met and I think this is happening way too fast.

After his dad and his sister came,we had breakfast and then it was time for us to leave.

"I can't believe you guys are leaving so fast.I will miss you so much,Emma!"

"Don't worry,Aaliyah,we can go shopping next days!"

"That would be freaking amazing!"

"Goodbye,mom!Goodbye dad!"

"Take care!"his dad said.

"Ready to go?"

"Uhm,yeah,sure!"I say.

We got into the car and I just didn't know what to say.And neither did him.He was being ridiculously quiet.And then,out of nowhere,he opened his mouth like he was about to say something and then he stopped.

"Are you alright?"I ask.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know.That's what I asked.I hate this silence."

"Yes,you are absolutely right!"

He turns on the radio and his song was there.The song "There's nothing holdin' me back" was playing at the moment.

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