Chapter 3

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"Cannibal? By Ke$ha?" Nick said, looking at me like I was insane. "That's gonna be impossible to pull off."

"I think she can do it." Sebastian spoke up. "She showed me a different side of her yesterday."

"Ooh Sebastian got some!" One random guy in the back called out, and a blush spread over my face.

"Dude," Sebastian shook his head, looking disgusted. Well thanks for that, I'm flattered. "We danced, that's it. And let me tell you, this girl can tango. Come on guys, the theme this year for sectionals is sexy, and that's exactly what I got from her yesterday." He smirked at me and winked, and I rolled my eyes. "And we have wicked chemistry on the dance floor."

"What about the duet I asked you to come up with?" Nick asked. A duet too? 

"Covered. It's mainly partner work between me and Amelia, so we'll do individual dance practices together, and I can teach you guys the basic background work." Nick nodded, seemingly pleased with his answer.

"Well then I officially end this meeting of the Warblers, enjoy your free time." Nick called out, so I grabbed my backpack, but before I could leave I was stopped by Sebastian. 

"Hey, I'm meeting someone at the Lima Bean today and I wanted to know if you wanted to join us." He asked.

"What's the Lima Bean?" I asked, looking up at him. He was a good few inches taller than me, but then again he was taller than most people.

"It's this coffee shop a few blocks down, I go there all the time. Come on, it'll be fun." I opened my mouth to say I had homework, then shut it again.

"Sure, why not?" I nodded, and a grin lit up him face. 

"Let's go then." 


"I can't believe you asked for a shot of courvoisier in your coffee." Blaine said, looking over at Sebastian in awe.

"Yeah that barista looked at you like you were nuts." I giggled remembering the look on her face.

"I forget how lame this town is. When I lived in Paris I drank it like it was mother's milk." Sebastian chuckled.

"When you lived- okay wow." Blaine stuttered out.

"What?" Sebastian smirked.

"You're just so... you know, you're out there." Blaine was clearly trying not to look straight at Sebastian.

"And your whole 'bashful schoolboy' thing? Super hot." Sebastian mindlessly flirted.

"And that is my cue to go, I'm gonna go get some more cream." I said awkwardly before standing up and rushing over to the little sugar and cream bar near the front. I turned back around after fixing my coffee to see another guy had come to the table, this one basically glaring at Sebastian. I walked back over, pretty sure that the flirting had ended.

"Yes he's more impressive in the flesh." The new guy awkwardly chuckled, sitting next to Blaine.

"And who is this?" I said, sitting back down next to Sebastian.

"Amelia! This is my boyfriend Kurt." Blaine basically choked out. I gave Kurt a bright smile, and he looked genuinely surprised to see me being nice. 

"Hi, I'm Amelia Blake, it's nice to meet you." I reached out my hand and he shook it, looking a lot less stiff with me than he was with Sebastian. 

"And how do you know Sebastian?" He asked. 

"I go to Dalton with him, first girl ever." I said, slightly awkwardly.

"Oh how'd you manage that? The principal's a stickler on policy." Kurt looked at me like I was a goddess.

"Uh..." I dropped my head lightly. "I'd rather not talk about it. Let's just say my dad's really good at getting his way." Kurt slightly nodded, noticing how uncomfortable I was. Thankfully Sebastian also noticed and he quickly changed the subject.

"Amelia's an excellent singer and dancer. She's our first Warblerette." Sebastian mused, and I blushed. 

"I'm not that great." I mumbled out.

"Sure you are, ma chérie." He looked up at the others. "Her tango is killer, she really knows how to access her inner Celia Blanco." 

"Arrêtez, vous me flatter monsieur (Stop, you flatter me sir)." I lightly pushed his shoulder and he chuckled. 

"Hey, what are you guys doing tomorrow night?" Sebastian asked them.

"Well, we're rehearsing for our school musical, and then at night we do a rigorous skin sloughing regimen over the phone together." Kurt said, and my eyes went wide and I awkwardly looked away. Some couples are so weird. Sebastian chuckled.

"And as sexy as that sounds, how about we shake things up? I get you guys a couple of fake IDs, and we head over to Scandals in West Lima. Ames, you can come too." I looked at him shocked, half because he just called me something other than Amelia or Blake, and half because he just invited me to a gay bar, when I'm straight as a pole.

"Scandals? That's the gay bar." Blaine said awkwardly.

"The last time I was there I met the man of my dreams on the dance floor." Sebastian had a smoothness to his voice that made it sound slightly sexier, like he was trying to arouse them into going. 

"That's so sweet, and are you two still together?" Kurt said, and it was clear he was hoping they were.

"Sadly, no, we broke up about 20 minutes after we met. Come on guys, live a little." Sebastian pressed, and I looked at them, basically begging that he wouldn't be just the two of us.

"We would love to Sebastian, thank you for the offer, that's really nice of you, that's... that just isn't our kind of thing." Blaine said awkwardly, looking at Kurt for help.

"Let's do it." He said.

"What?" Blaine genuinely looked uncomfortable.

"We have a whole lot of firsts to start crossing off our list." Kurt chuckled lightly and then his face got serious. "We're in."

"Great." Sebastian seemed pleased with himself. 

"Great." Blaine couldn't have looked more awkward.

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