Chapter 14

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I woke up to knocking at my door, and I groaned loudly.

"Come in." I croaked out, and the door opened to Sebastian with two coffee cups in hand. He looked me over and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Aw, mon pauvre bébé (my poor baby)." He walked over to me, set the coffees down on my nightstand, and ran his hand along my jaw and pouted. "School starts in 30 minutes love, you have to get up."

"But I don't wanna." I mumbled out, and he chuckled. He pushed my coffee cup towards me, and walked over to my dresser, pulling my school clothes out for me. I sat up and took the coffee off my dresser, and took a sip. I started to cough and sputter, and Sebastian looked and me confused. "You gave me your coffee, baby." I coughed out, and he laughed loudly. "How on earth do you drink that in the morning?" He picked up the pile of school clothes from my dresser, and walked over, setting them on my lap and giving me a peck on the forehead.

"Your inability to hold your liquor always makes me laugh, ma chérie." He mumbled out, and a playful pout came to my lips. He pressed a kiss to my lips, and my hand immediately went to his neck, pulling him closer. He set his coffee down on my nightstand again, and his hand went to the mattress nest to me, half on top of me. He pulled away from my lips to trail kisses down my jaw and onto my neck. I let out a light moan as he started to lightly suck on my collarbone. He pulled his head away, and my eyes opened slowly and met his, but they went wide and I shot up, almost slamming our heads together. He looked at me confusedly. I ran to the bathroom mirror.

"Sebastian, what the heck!" He came into the bathroom and chuckled.

"What, love? I think it's hot. And if you're embarrassed you can just cover it up right?" He told me, and I shook my head.

"Normally I would but I ran out of concealer yesterday. I can't cover it up Seb." He smirked.

"Then I guess the whole school's gonna be forced to know that you're mine, and only mine." He mumbled, kissing my cheek, and I sighed.

"You're lucky I love you Bas." I grumbled.


After a day of pure embarrassment as literally everyone stared at my neck all day, I was finally on the way to Warblers practice with Sebastian.

"I hope you're happy." I grumbled out. He chuckled.

"Oh I definitely am, ma chérie." He teased, and I couldn't help but smile. He pulled me into the practice room and we were met with a chorus of whistles and cheering. I rolled my eyes at the lot of them.

"Okay boys, that's enough." I giggled, and Jeff came up and slung his arm over Sebastian's shoulder.

"Old Bas is gettin some, huh?" Seb rolled his eyes, and shoved Jeff's arm off.

"Shut up Sterling." Seb said, pulling me closer to him by my waist. "What Ames and I do in our own time is none of your concern." He pressed a light kiss to my cheek.

We went and sat down on our couch, and I immediately curled into his side. He chuckled, and I pressed my nose into the spot of skin on the side of his chest. Hunter walked in the door, looking distastefully at me and Seb's position on the couch.

"Okay, we're gonna do something different today. Amelia, you and I are gonna work on the choreography for Whistle, while Sebastian, you're gonna work on the vocals and Choreography with the rest of the Warblers." My blood went cold, and my mouth opened in protest, but I found I had nothing to say. Sebastian looked even more skeptical of the situation, but nodded firmly. "Amy, go change and we can meet in the studio in 10 minutes." I looked at Nick, who also looked super uncomfortable with the situation. I had told him about everything that happened between me and Hunter, including the biggest reason I moved schools in the first place. I stood up, and left the room quietly, shaking my head at the mess that was about to occur.


I got to the dance studio where Hunter was waiting

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I got to the dance studio where Hunter was waiting. I wasn't wearing such open clothes like I had been with Seb, I definitely didn't want Hunter seeing more of me than he needed to. He raked his eyes over my form, and my head dropped.

"Hunter can we please just dance?" I asked, and he smirked.

"Of course, Amy. What else would we be doing?" He walked over to the speaker and started playing Whistle, setting it on repeat. "Okay, so I was thinking, a lot of partner work is good for this song, considering the song is about... well oral sex." A blush went over my face. "So let's have you come out when they start whistling for the first time, and then we can do some of this..." He put his hands on my hips and I tensed. "Calm down, Amy. This isn't gonna work if we aren't comfortable with this. Just imagine I'm Sebastian. It's not anything difficult."

"You know why I'm not comfortable Hunter." I spat at him, and he placed a hand on his chest in mock shock.

"You take me for some sort of animal, Amelia. I just want to dance, you need to get a hold of yourself. " I huffed at his words, and rolled my eyes.

"Fine, but if you try anything, I'm not the same person I was in freshman year. I will tell someone."

"I have no idea what you're talking about Amelia. Now come on, let's work."

So I suffered through the next hour in the room with Hunter, and he seemed to love every minute of it. I tried to ignore the moments his hands sat too long on my hips, or the glances he snuck at my chest.

Finally, the practice was over, and I was finally able to leave. But before I could leave, Hunter grabbed my arm.

"Just so you don't get any ideas, Sebastian is to not know anything about what happened between us. If I find out you told him, you won't be a Warbler anymore. And I'd hate to drop you so close to Sectionals." I glared at him.

"Don't worry, I have no inclination to tell him anyways." I mumbled out, ripping my arm out of his grip, and walking out of the studio as quickly as possible.

I had no idea how I was going to get through this year.

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