Chapter 10

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I tugged at Sebastian's hand as we wound our way through the hospital. He didn't say anything as I basically yanked him through the halls, but I was glad, the silence was needed. He couldn't tell, but the feeling of his hand in mine sent sparks through my arm. 

We stopped at the hospital door numbered 426, but before I entered, I stopped for a moment, nerves suddenly  hitting.

"Is everything okay?" Sebastian asked, his eyes filled with worry.

"Yeah, just catching my breath." I lied smoothly, and he looked as though he knew something was wrong, but nodded anyways. I reached for the door handle, and took a deep breath, before opening the door. 

It was a single room, with only one bed. It smelled like orange juice and saltines, the walls were a creamy white, and the figure in the bed looked up and smiled.

"Lia! You haven't visited in weeks! I missed you." I smiled at her.

"Sorry Emmy, I've been crazy busy with school and Glee Club." I told my little sister, heart aching at her condition. "This is Sebastian, my..." I trailed off, looking at Sebastian for an answer.

"Boyfriend." My breath hitched at his words, and he removed his hand from mine and reached out for hers, and she gladly shook it. "It's great to meet you Emily, Amy talks about you all the time."

"Aw, Lia. I'm touched." She put her hand on he heart, pretending to tear up, and I giggled.

"Oh stop it." We both laughed, and I reached out and hugged her frail form. It was short, but meaningful. "I'm sorry I have to go so soon, but we need to go make something right, don't we Bas?" Sebastian nodded, and she frowned, but nodded as well.

"Well, as long as it's important. Love you." 

"I love you too Emily. I'll visit soon." I promised her, and Sebastian and I walked out of the room. He took his hand out of his pocket and stuck it in mine, and I looked up at him and smiled. His frown was still plastered on his face. 

"You never told me your sister was in the hospital." He said, and I looked down.

"It's not exactly something to brag about. She's got leukemia. She was diagnosed a few years ago, and we treated it. The doctors said there was a minor chance of it coming back, but low and behold, I woke up from my coma and she was back in the hospital. They said the stress weakened her immune system, with me in the hospital and the girls online and at school, it made sense. She's been in the hospital since June." I told him as we walked out of the building, and he immediately pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, she'll be okay. She seemed pretty happy in there. I'm sure your visits help." He told me, and I clutched his shirt desperately.

"I know, I just worry a lot. She's not just my sister, she's my best friend." He pulled away, and pressed a kiss to my forehead. My eyes fluttered shut and I smiled. 

"Let's go to the Lima Bean, ma chérie. I already texted Blaine to meet us there with some of the New Directions." I nodded and he wrapped his arm around my waist, and pulled me towards his car, and in that moment, I'd never felt more hopeful.


Seb and I sat at the small coffee table, and the New Directions strutted up to us, Santana sitting down.

"Lemme break it down for you, one bitch to another. All of this vicious underhanded crap has got to stop."

"Exactly, that's why I called you here." Sebastian's voice was soft. "First of all, Blaine, I am sorry about your eye."

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