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  Jimin blinked open his eyes and found himself in a hospital bed. There were tubes on his hand, but he felt something else. It was Yoongi's head. He had probably fallen asleep because Jimin could hear his soft, shallow breathing.     Across the room, Jungkook and Hoseok were both asleep in two chairs, Hoseok's head on Jungkook's shoulder.
  Jimin chuckled at the veiw.
  His vision cleared a bit and he started getting confused.
  Why am I in a hospital?
  Then everything came together.
  "H-hyung?" Jimin whispered careful not to wake the others.
  Yoongi looked up instantly and stared at Jimin. Tear stains on his cheeks.
  "H-have you been...crying?" Jimin had never seen his hyung cry. Maybe he's cried from laughing to hard or teared up from pain but never like this.
  "The n-nurses said you might not m-make it. I w-was so worried Jiminie." He wrapped his arms around Jimin.
  "How did I get here?" Jimin asked him after our moment.
  "The police saw you by the door to the factory. They brought you to the hospital and washed you from the blood and scars. You were out for 8 days. We visited you everyday to see if you were awake." Yoongi explained.
  "Eight d-days?"
  Yoongi nodded. "I-I'm so glad you're okay."
  Jimin smiled at him. He frowned when he saw Yoongi's  eyes tear up and he looked down.
  "I hate you for doing this to me." Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hands. Jimin heard a small sob coming from the older.
  "I hate how you always make me smile. I hate how you make me want to protect you. I hate how I care for you. I hate how when I'm alone I need you with me. I hate how when other people flirt with you it makes me jealous. I hate how when you're next to me my heart beat gets faster and my stomach churns. I hate how I love your smile amd cresent eyes when you laugh. I hate how you care for me. I hate how I can never imagine my life without you. I hate how I fucking love you Park Jimin."
  Jimin lifted Yoongi's chin and pulled his head toward him. Jimin locked lips with the older. They moved perfectly together.
  "I love you too, Hyung."
  Sorry for the long update! I'm going to be working on a story with bogoshipda_boi so my updates are going to take awhile.
  Who tops? Yoongi or Jiminie?

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