Hometown Heroes, National Nobodies (All Time Low Fanfic)

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Jack’s P.O.V

I plugged my headphones into my iPod before putting them into my ears and pressing back against the soft seats of the plane. Alex sat beside me, eating the complimentary chocolates they gave us on international flights from Japan. He held one out to me but I just shook my head and closed my eyes. I never liked eating on planes; I was nauseous enough already.

“Jack,” Alex nudged my ribs with his elbow.

I opened my eyes and pulled my headphones out of my ears while rubbing where his elbow had connected with my side. “What?” I groaned.

Alex nodded his head toward the flight attendant who stood beside me with a cart full of food, “You want anything?”

I took a bottle of water of the cart before handing the girl some money and gulping down half the bottle in one go.

“You okay, man?” Alex asked.

I just shrugged and wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. I’d never been a good flyer. Suddenly, the plane started to rock violently, causing me to drop the water all over me. A red warning sign flashed overhead as the flight attendants came out and started to relay the safety instructions to the passengers.

An oxygen mask fell out of the overhead locker and hit me on the head before I grabbed it and put in over my face. Alex gave me a startled look as we both gripped our seats tightly. The flight attendants showed us the safety positions and I leaned forward, covering my head with my hands the way they instructed.

The plane stopped rocking and there was a moment of silence and everything was still. I could feel us going up in a ninty degree angle and then we were suddenly tossed forward as the plane started to nose dive into the ground. I felt a yell erupt from inside me as my stomach felt like it was rising into my throat. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to imagine I was just on a rollercoaster, or in a bad dream.

And then we hit the ground. The pain was so excruciating that I didn’t feel it at first. I just felt numb. I couldn’t hear anything but a high pitched whistling sound that rang around my ears. My vision was blurred and I could feel a wet trickle running down my neck. Slowly the pain started to become more prominent, I could hear the screaming of people on the plane and I could see the chaos that was unfolding around me.

I looked over at Alex to see him slumped forward. I pushed him back into his seat and pulled his oxygen mask off his head. His eyes were shut and blood was gushing out of his nose.

“Alex! Alex?” I shouted but he didn’t respond.

I shook him, but he still didn’t move. I unbuckled his seat, pulling myself out of it along with him. I threw his arm around my shoulder before grabbing him around the waste and practically dragging him down the isle and out of the gaping hole that used to be the front of the plane.

Outside was complete chaos. The left wing of the plane was completely on fire and it looked like the plane had crashed into a swamp. On my left was higher ground and I couldn’t see anything past the flames erupting from the plane on my right.

I dragged Alex toward the incline and put my hands under his arms before heaving him up the hill, being careful not to pull him over any rocks or bits of debris. People were running mad everywhere and I looked around for any familiar faces. I saw Rian, his close-shaven head covered in dirt and blood.

“Where’s Zack?” I shouted over the screaming of other passengers.

“Stuck over there!” Rian barked over the noise, pointing to where a body was trapped under a part of the wing

Rian helped me drag Alex next to a tree where we propped him so no one would stand on him before sprinting in the direction of Zack’s motionless body. When we reached him, I realized he was awake, but couldn’t move. The sheet of metal that covered him was large, but wasn’t too heavy so we lifted it off him easily.

Rian and I helped him stand up and half carried, half dragged him to the tree where Alex was lying unconscious. We made it further up to the higher ground just as the plane exploded and pieces of it where sent flying over our heads.

Hometown Heroes, National Nobodies (All Time Low) TO BE UPDATED NOV 13Where stories live. Discover now