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During the surgery, Jack dreamt. They weren't like his usual dreams, though, Those were all pictures, no sound. These were just the opposite: all sound, no picture. He saw black, but he heard voices.

"I can't believe you'd do this," he heard a voice say. "We trusted you. We loved you. You were our brother."

"I never trusted you. I never loved you. I never loved any of you," said another voice.

"You don't mean that," said a female voice.

"Yes, I do."

And then a scream. Jack wasn't sure why, but immediately he wanted to run towards the voice that was screaming. He wanted to help them, but he couldn't see where it was coming from.

"Peyton!" A familiar voice yelled, and then the noise stopped for a split second, before starting again.

"I'm Lindsey," said the female voice from before. "And this is my little brother, Sebastian."

Another pause.

"I'm Luke. You know, you'd look really good in grey, hold on I gotta write that down."

Another pause.

"I love you, Jack."

And then the voices start to get jumbled together, no cuts between each scene.

"Mr. Greys, where did you go yesterday?"

"Go to school, Sebastian."

"It isn't fair that you get to hear and I can't see."

"I know. You're right, it's not fair."

"Stay away from my brother."

And then the scream again, it's louder this time, and it hurts Jack's ears. Then the noise stops all together.

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