Chapter Five

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It's been five days.

Five fucking long ass days.

Five days since Landon found me in Sasha's room on Friday. I have not seen nor heard from him in school and that only made me more paranoid. Something big was brewing up, I could feel it.

To say I'm absolutely terrified is an understatement. The amount of fear I've been feeling the past couple of days has been driving me crazy. I haven't slept well since then, which created dark bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep.

The sound and pain of my head banging onto my locker woke me up. I hadn't even realized I was falling asleep while I was thinking till now. I grabbed my Starbucks coffee from inside my locker, where I had placed it a couple minutes ago. I slung my bag lazily over my shoulders and walked to class carefully. I usually was never this tired, especially on Wednesdays. But Landon has got me practially scared out of my mind.

I had my eyes everywhere, searching for any signs of Landon. I arrived at my math class, thankful that Landon didn't have this class. I rushed I through the door, feeling relieved that I wouldn't have to worry about anything bad for a good forty-five minutes.

As the teacher started the lesson, I couldn't help but let worry seep back into my body. This situation only caused me to be more anxious and uneasy than I already am.

My eyes stared at the board that my math teacher had began to write on. I leaned back in my seat and sighed.

"Tough day huh?" A voice whispered to me.

I jumped in my seat a little, startled by the voice. Sitting next to me was a student I never really noticed before. He had dirty blonde hair that could almost pass as brown but it definitely was blonde. He had chocolate brown eyes, complimenting his hair. I raised an eyebrow from him talking to me but nodded.

"It's only second period though, give yourself some time." He spoke quietly after realized I wasn't going to say anything.

"Yea I guess that's true, but I highly doubt this day will get better for me." I finally replied.

He smiled at me, it's one of those stupid boyish smiles that just make you smile. It was absolutely contagious.

"Don't say that, ya gotta be positive. Life is all about the way you look at it." He answered.

"Hm.. I guess so." I said, smiling back at him. The uneasiness that I had felt before was now suddenly not so noticeable to me.

"I'm Rixon."

Well about time I know his name.

"Lila." I replied, letting him know mine too.

"Nice name, I like it." He told me.

I gave a small smile, "Thanks, my mom chose it. She liked to think of it as a connection to the stars. Even thought the name itself had nothing to do with the stars, she liked the ring of it."

Rixon chuckled a bit, and I joined it. For the first time this week, I felt genuinely happy.

"Excuse me, what is it that's so important that you guys are talking during my lesson?" My math teacher, Mr. Jackelle, snapped at us.

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