Sisterly Bonding (part one)

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Jane sat in her least favorite elective; Study Hall. But this study hall, she had an evil plan. It was posted all over school, and the clock was ticking. Time to ask her best friend to TOLO!(anybody know what that stands for???) Jane and Bryce had been best friends since 3rd grade when her mother told her, "Hang out with the guys. A lot less drama." They had never been romanticly into each other, but it's not like she had anyone else to ask. So Jane pulled out a sticky note and wrote 'TOLO?' then stuck it on Bryce's forehead. He looked puzzled at first then he awkwardly pulled it off his forehead and smiled. 'Sure, why not! :)'

"Thanks, Steve!" Jane called hopping of the bus that specially dropped her off at the Navy Yard every afternoon. She happily ran in the building nodding at a Security officer. Jane impaitiently tapped at the inside of the elevator door, it finally opened and she darted towards her mother's office. "Someone is happy!" Tony yelled after the smiling teenager. She ran up the stairs and payed no attention to the assistant telling her to ask before entering the director's office. "MOM!" She exclaimed catching her breath from the run up the stairs. "Hi sweetheart, you seem happy!" She took off her reading glasses. "I am happy! I got Bryce to go to TOLO with me!" She sat down on the couch. "That's great! How did you ask him?" Jen asked her daughter. "I put a sticky note on his forehead." She made her mother laugh. "I think you have been spending to much time around DiNozzo! But I also think dress shopping would be a great way to spend time with your sisters!"

Jane, Ziva and Abby walked through the double doors of the mall ready to shop until they drop! "First things first, what's the theme?" Abby got down to buisness. "Vintage." Jane responded. "I think I know a place!" Ziva suggested as they girls followed her into a small boutique. Soon the usually booming mall went silent, "On the ground!" A male voice yelled. Ziva drew her gun and they carefully followed the voice. A ski masked man pointed a gun straight at them and pulled the trigger. TO BE CONTINUED...

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