Sisterly Bonding (part two)

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"On the ground!" A male voice yelled. Ziva drew her gun and they carefully followed the voice. A ski masked man pointed a gun straight at them and pulled the trigger.

BANG BANG! His gun went off, straight at them. The still anonymous young man managed to miss them all by a longshot. "You okay!?" Jane paniced. "We are fine." Ziva said, Jane hit speed dial on her phone. "Hey dad, I need you at the mall." "What did you do?" "Dad, I don't have time. There's a physco on the loose." We're coming."

"Let's go." Gibbs told the boys. "Where to, Boss?" McGee aske, grabbing his gun. "Mall, girls were fired at.The kid missed by a mile." Tony and McGee grabbed their gear even faster. "Then let's move!"

"NCIS!"  Gibbs yelled, running towards the suspect. "Ok! Ok! You got me! I'll tell you whatever you want!" He pulled his mask off, put his gun down and his hands in the air. "I hate guns." Abby said, still petrifyed from just being shot at.

"So, Trever, who hired you?" Gibbs and Tony interrogated the gunman. "Her name is Ronnie Roth." On the other side of the glass, Jane gasped. "What?" Ziva asked her with obvious concern in her voice. "She's my mother."

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