A Mother's Crime

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"She's my mom." Jane repeated now in tears. "Oh, the Ronnie Roth." Ziva put an arm around Jane. "I know how much you love helping us hunt physcos, but you need to sit this one out, Tateleh." "Okay." Jane nodded and sent a text to her best friend 'Code blue'

Jane was home, in her bedroom, reading a book and watching the TV show made from it when she heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?" She yelled coming down the stairs. "World Domination. I have come to kill you by placing arsenic in our favorite ice cream." Bryce said in a spot on Russian accent. "I see you got the Code blue." Jane opened the door, not in the mood for jokes. "Yeah. What happend?" He showed some concern. "Well I got shot at, then when we caught the guy, he said my mother put him up to it." She explained getting two spoons and nodding to the couch. "Your mom is the director of a federal agency-" Jane cut him off. "No you idiot. My real mom!" Just then there was a loud banging at the front door. "Operation keyhole." Jane and Bryce said in unison the plan they came up with for when they were home alone and someone came to the door. They each grabbed one of the spare guns her parents kept around the house in strange places. Jane would open the door and put hers at the head of whoever was there and Bryce would do the same from the side. "Have you ever thought of just answering the door like a normal person." Jane asked. "Nah, normality is over rated." He answered with a smirk. Whoever it was kept pounding on the door, so they very cautiously opened it. "Janella! Why is there a gun at my head? Oh my goodness look how tall you are!" A woman famillar to them both stood there, it was the one who put an orphanned teenager up to killing two women in exchange for a little help, the one who left her daughter in the hands of a mentally ill man while she saved herself, it was Jane's birth mother. "Hello, Ronnie." Jane stepped outside shutting the door behind her. "What happend to 'mom'?" It was obvious she had been drinking, for she slurred her words. "Alot of things. Look, I need you to come with me." Their house was within walking distance of NCIS. "Where are we going?" She said in a delusionaly happy voice. "Just wait." Jane hadn't smiled once, and her mother soon followed. "Tell me where we're going, young woman." She pulled a gun on her daughter. "Wait." Jane turned to the front door window when she felt a bullet slice through her shoulder. Roth ran for dear life, while Jane saw the door whip open and her best friend pull out his phone before the world went black.


"You're telling me Jane's birth mother tried to have Abby and Ziva killed?" Jen raised her voice at her husband. "Yes, I am." Gibbs said extremely calm. Then his cell phone rang and 'Home' came up on caller ID. "What do you need? Dammit! You know what do to we're on our way." He actually paniced for once. "What?" Jen began to worry. "The bitch came our house and shot Jane." Gibbs began to run out the office door. "Was she alone!?" Jen followed closely behind. "No, Bryce is with her." They ran downstairs to the team. "Listen up! Roth shot Jane and ran! You all will tear apart this town until we find her!" Jen yelled from the stairs. "Let's get this bitch." The team  said in unison.

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