Mayday, Mayday

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A/N I'm planning on having this be first person. The only thing I am hoping is third person is the description. This is also an experiment to see if I can even write a story like this. I hope it doesn't disappoint. As always, feel free to vote, comment and share if you enjoy it. Also, if you like this, my main account is MotionlessGhost. The little Arctic Fox pfp is me. Or maybe its still the little ghost. I don't remember. Fair warning some details might not line up with you to a T. I'm sorry, I wish I could look through my phone and bend every detail for every reader. Anyway, here's chapter one.


I screeched happily at my latest purchase. A thank you box popped up on my laptops screen. I just bought myself a ticket and VIP pass to Vidcon. I finally get to meet my two favorite youtubers! Jacksepticeye and Markiplier. I can't believe this is actually happening! I know it sounds cliché as hell, but they mean the literal world to me. They keep this dark and almost evil feeling in me at bay. It's like their videos and infectious personalities bathe that inner part of me in rainbows, glitter and unicorns. I can't help but be in love with them.

I let out a deep, satisfied sigh and laid back on my pillows. I went to close the window for buying the tickets and opened YouTube afterwards. Before I started a video though, I needed to change into my pjs. I walked over to my dresser and picked out a (f/c) tank top and black jogging shorts. I slipped into them and slipped on a light hoodie to combat the sudden chill in the room I felt.

Walking back over to my laptop I went to Mark's channel first. Todays lets plays didn't strike me as interesting. I wasn't much of a Gary's Mod girl. Instead I went back to his "A Date With Markiplier" video and happily spent the next 3 hours or so going through every possible path. I even sat there for the 10 or so minutes watching him scratch at the concrete. I took my sweet time with the Darkiplier moments, though. Something about him fascinated me. It made her happy seeing him. I know it's just one of his made up personas but damn. Something about him and Jack's counterpart, Antisepticeye just made her so giddy. I just hoped I could keep her under control when Vidcon happens. The last thing I need is a mess on my hands AND my name.

I gasped at the time and shut down my laptop, setting it under my bed. I took the hair tie of my wrist and tied back my (h/c) hair back. Once I crawled under the blanket and snuggled down into what most would think was a human nest, I let myself slowly drift off. Little did I know, this would be the first night in a long time I actually dreamed.

Blackness was all I could see. Something told me to walk forward.

"Don't-" a disembodied, echoing voice boomed. It sounded slightly Irish.

"(Y/N) don't move." The voice continued. Yeah that's definitely Irish.

"Um... I know this is a shot in the dark. Literally. But are you Jack? Please say you're Jack and not some twisted figment of my imagination here to lure her out." I said, voice uneasy.

"Would that make you feel better?" A different deeper, huskier voice came in.

"This is just a dream. Her dream. None of this is real." I muttered, covering my ears and squeezing my eyes shut.

I woke with a start. Sweat soaked my clothes and I was breathing heavily. I sat up and rubbed my face. What happened? Why did she dream them up? What is going on my head? What is she planning...?

"So many questions... how will you answer them all?" The disembodied Irish voice echoed.

"Let us in."

My Demons (AntisepticeyeXReaderXDarkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now