Chapter 1

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Sitting there on my bed, staring at a picture of Boone. I secretly had a crush on him, but I couldn't tell any of my sorority members, especially Chad. Chad would kick me out of the Dickie Dollar Scholars Club if he found out. Although, when he found out that Boone was gay he let him stay. However, that wouldn't work for me. The only reason Chad let Boone stay was because Boone was Chads best friend.
The picture I was focused on captured Boone's true beauty. I found this image in Boone's and Chad's room.
Yeah I went snooping in his room, but only through pictures. I wanted to see if I could find anything cute of him in there. Of course I did, and no one knows, nor caught me. The only people who know are the Chanel's.

"What do you mean you went snooping in my boyfriends and his best friends room?!" Chanel yelled to me.
"I'm sorry my curiosity got the best of me. I-I-I just really have a fetish for Boone" I said back to her.
"Well, in that case you should tell him" Chanel #2 said to me.
"Are you crazy, bitch!? Chad will kick y/n out if he knew" Chanel screamed at Chanel #2
"Maybe, she's right. If Boone said he had feelings for y/n, maybe Boone could persuade Chad to let y/n stay, since, well, Boone and Chad are like best friends." Chanel #3 said.
"Oh shut up. Chad wouldn't do that because he would know it'd ruin the Dickie Dollars Scholars Club" Chanel said while fixing her hair.
"I'm glad you girls are trying to help, just don't let word of this out, please" I said to them.
"We won't, we promise, just like a Kappa promise" all six Chanel's said.

While looking at that picture and thinking about how I want to tell Boone my feelings. I began to realize that maybe I should stop this and be single forever.
I put the picture away, and put on my shoes and jacket. I was going to tell Boone my feelings, no matter how scared I was. Nothing was going to stop me.

I began walking to where I knew Boone always was. It was the "Grande Cafè." Boone liked this place because he could relax and do his work on his computer outside of the Cafè, where it was always calm and quiet. As I was walking there, Chanel #2 walked up to me.

"Hey y/n, I was just on my way to my clonic. What are you doing?" She said to me.
I sighed.
"I am going to tell Boone my feelings, I am on my way to the Cafè to see him" I replied.
"Oh well good luck...well I'll see you in bio, bye!" She said while walking away.
"Bye!" I said.

I was approaching the cafè now. I could see Boone sitting there on his laptop, he looked concentrated. I knew he was a hard worker, that's why I loved him, besides his pure beauty. I then approached his table and he looked up at me and I looked down at him.

"Hey Boone!" I said to him.
"Hi y/n!" He said back to me.
"So...can I help you with anything?" He said to me.
"Boone...there is something I need to tell you. And it's important. If I tell you, promise it won't ruin our friendship." I said to him.
"Okay. I promise. Now what is it?" He said.
"Well...I-I-I kinda, uh, like, like like, you in that way..." I said. I could tell I was sweating, but I was very scared.

Thoughts raced through my mind of what he would say. I was so scared. I got a queasy feeling.
It took him about 10 seconds to respond.

"That's funny because I've always had a little crush on you. And don't worry, Chad and I always knew you were secretly gay." Boone said to me.
"Really?! You-you like me? Oh wow. I wasn't expecting that. So, uh, maybe you'd want to go out sometime?" I said to him. I could tell I was blushing.
"Yeah, but right now I could use some company, and I would like you, my boyfriend to join me" he said, while pulling a chair closer to where he was sitting.
"We can stay with each other, since we have almost every class together" he said.
My heart raced. Was this really happening. He was in love with me, and I was in love with him. I was getting what I wanted in life. What could go wrong?
"Oh sure Boone" I said while sitting in the chair he had pulled next to him.
"Don't call me Boone. Now that we are dating, I want you to call me babe. And I'll call you bae. Since, that's what you are to me" he said to me with his sexy smirk.
And that's just how it began. Him and I. I was prepared for what else would happen that day.

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