Chapter 5

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"So, now what are we going to do" Chanel #2 said.
"Let's continue spin the bottle. Yet, the boy has to protect the girl from being killed." Chanel #3 said.
"Are you nuts!?" Zayday yelled.
"Shut up. We need to have fun. Even though there is a dead pledge upstairs." Chanel said.

I zoned out. I didn't want to hear it anymore. I wanted Boone with me. As much as I don't want him to die I want him to tell me who the person, that will kill him, is. I began thinking of a happy life with Boone and tears began to stream down my cheek.

"ENOUGH!" Chanel #5 yelled.
"I will play seven minutes in heaven with Dodger!" She yelled.
She grabbed Dodgers hand and ran up the stairs. I heard the door shut from behind them.
"I hope she dies. She is so annoying" Chanel said.
Chanel walked out to the kitchen. She came back holding a bunch of beers.
She handed one to me.
"I think you need this after all you've been through." She said with a smile.
"Thanks, but I don't drink" I said handing the beer back to her.
"Well here's to a start. Drink it for me. Please!" She said.
Screaming came from upstairs.
"Dear God, here we go again." Chanel #3 said while rolling her eyes.

We all ran upstairs and swung open the door.
The Red Devil stood before us.
Dodger dead on the ground with an axe in his head. Chanel #5 hiding in the corner still screaming.

"Boone why?" I though to myself.

Everyone started screaming and ran down the stairs. I played it off, however I ran into Chanel #2's room.
I then turned around and saw Sam being sliced open with an axe because she fell.
I ran in the room and slammed the door. I was waiting for Boone to open the door to talk to me. However, the door swung open. The devil stood before me.
I began breathing heavily.
This wasn't Boone.
An axe started flying towards me.
I bent down and ran into the devil.
I pushed it to the ground. It grabbed me and threw me into the hallway wall. My vision went blurry.
I could see Chanel #2 throw something at the devil, and run at the door of her room, and locked it inside. She had Chad run in and pick me up and bring me downstairs. I heard the door slam open. Chanel #2 turned around. The thing she threw at the Devil slammed into her arm.
She screamed.
"Cha-nel tw-wo" I said.
I blacked out.

I woke up with ice on my head.
I groaned.
"Where am I? Where's Chanel two?" I said.
I groaned again. I was in major pain.
"I'm right here." Chanel #2 said. She had a broken arm.
"You need to lay down, sir" a doctor said.
I then realized where I was.
I was in a hospital.
"What happened last night?" I said.
"Well for starters, you have a concussion. You have to stay here for the rest of the night." She said to me.
"Ma'am you must go home or wherever. Visitor hours are over. I am sorry." The doctor said to her.
"Bye y/n. Sweet dreams. Bye" she said to me.

I had trouble sleeping that night.
At 2:30 am, I heard the door creak open.
It looked like Boone, however he had a beard and all.
"Who-who are you?" I whispered.
"Bae it's me. Keep quiet." He said to me.
"Boone? Is that yo-ou?" I said.
"Yes it's me." He said while taking off the fake beard.
"I can't believe she hurt you. I told her not to. I'm truly sorry." He said with tears in his eyes. He kissed my forehead.
"Babe. Who are the other Devils?" I asked him.
"Bae. I hate to say this, but if I were to tell you you'd have to be killed. And I'd hate to see that. Just the thought of it would kill me." He said. I saw a tear stream down his cheek.
"Babe. Plea-ase don't leave me tonight. I ne-ed you." I said while grabbing his hand.
He came closer to me.
"Sure. But, I have to leave as soon as you fall asleep. Although, I'd like to stay longer." He said with a smile.
"As long as you are next to me I'm happy." I said. He layed down next to me on the hospital bed. I grabbed him and pulled him closer.
"You are my everything. Without life would be incomplete." I said to him while smiling.
He moved closer to me until our bodies were touching and his lips were locked with mine.
That's how it was, and I fell asleep. I could feel his warmth next to me. I was loving it, and I was mad at myself for falling asleep, but I felt him put his hand on my heart and take my hand and kiss it.
"I don't want to leave my bae." He whispered. I could hear him begin to cry.
I opened my one eye to watch him leave. Tears streaming down my eyes. He was my forever boy.

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