Chapter 8

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"Boone?" Chanel said in disbelief.
She looked puzzled as the other Chanel's were shocked. Grace and Zayday then said:
"Our theory is correct! He is the red devil!!"
Everyone backed away.
"That would mean y/n is too!" Chanel yelled.
"No you guys! Boone is done murdering people!" I yelled
"Prove it then!!!" Chanel yelled at me angrily.
I put out my hand to show them the ring.
"Oh my" Chanel said.
Chanel #2 walked near me and stood by my side.
"I wouldn't think he is a red devil" she said.
"Thanks" I said to her.
"Look Chanel, Boone is really trying to get away from all that, and we still need to find the other killers." I said.

Chad came in the doors.
"Chanel! Chanel?!" He yelled.
He came in the living room where we were. He then noticed Boone.
"Boone? Is that you?" He asked with a shocked look.
"Yeah it's me" Boone replied.
"It can't be! YOU'RE DEAD!" He yelled.
"So it appears. But, I never was" Boone replied.
"He is one of the Red Devils" Chanel added.
"Wait what, no, wait what I'm confused right now" Chad said in disbelief.
"Hester or Chanel #6 and the deans best friend, Gigi are the other killers." Boone said.
Everyone gasped.
"NO WAY!" Chanel #3 yelled.
"SHE ISN'T DEAD EITHER!!?" Chanel #5 screamed.
"No." Boone said.

Before the blink of an eye a machete went through Chad's stomach.
Everyone screamed.
Chanel grabbed Chad trying to make him okay.
"YOU DUMB BITCH!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!" Chanel screamed.
An arrow went into her arm causing her to fall.
She screamed.
Everyone started running everywhere.
Screams circulated the house.
Boone and I made it to the rooms when he said:
"You stay here I need to face them on my own." He told me.
"NO YOU'LL DIE!!" I yelled.
He kissed me.
"I need to save you." He said.
He ran off.
I began screaming and crying at the same time. I didn't know how to handle what was going on around me. Was this how everything was going to end? I thought to myself.
I heard Boone scream in pain. I looked to see what had happened.
He had a sword in his stomach.
"NOOOO!!!!!!" I screamed. I began running towards the devil. I rammed into it causing it to fall. I grabbed the knife Boone had in his hand, and began stabbing the devil over and over again.
"You-son-of-a-bitch!!!!!" I yelled at it. It went limp as I kept stabbing over and over again. I took the mask off the devil which was Gigi and sliced her neck open causing blood to spay everywhere.
I didn't even care.
I dropped the knife and went over to Boone.
He was barely breathing. He was coughing up blood, with the blood that was around him.
He was dying.
I wasn't about to let Boone die. I needed Hester to die.
I grabbed the knife.
I ran around looking for her.
I finally found her.
I slammed her head into the wall as she kept stabbing me.
"CALL 911 NOW!!!" I yelled.
I kept slamming Hester into the wall. I used the knife to stab her, but she kept blocking it.
She picked me up and threw me against the wall.
I felt blood in the back of my head. I began crawling to where Boone was. I wanted to die with him. That's what I wanted.
I felt Hester slitting my feet as I screamed and cried in pain.
Chanel #2 came out of nowhere and knocked out Hester with a metal base ball bat.
"Take that!" She yelled.
Hester fell to the ground.
Chanel #2 stayed by my side.
"Bo-oo-one" I tried to say.
My vision went blurry.
I could see the police come in and pick us up and take us out of that place.

I was hardly alive when we got to the hospital. However, I blacked out, so there isn't much I can remember.

I woke up the next day.
"Hi!" Chanel #2 said to me.
"H-i" I managed to say. I realized that I was in terrible pain.
"Don't move." She said. "If you move you'll be in horrible pain."
"Anyways I figured you'd like to see the love of your life. She pulled back a curtain behind her. I saw Boone asleep with an oxygen mask.
He was breathing, but just hardly, from what I could tell from his breathing monitor.
"Is-is-he-o-k-ay??" I managed to ask her.
"He managed to survive last night, but he lost a lot of blood, same as you, but of course he has it worse than you do." She said.
At that moment I knew that I was going to cherish Boone forever. Tears began streaming down my face.
"Thi-is-al-ll- my fa-ult" I said through chokes.
"No it's not!" She said. "None of this is your fault!"
"Yes-it-is" I cried. "I-want-ed-him-to tell y'all-abo-ut-every-thing. If I would hav-ve shu-ut up he would-dn't be like th-is"
I began breaking down.
"No don't think like that!" She said to me. "It isn't your fault at all. If Boone were to hear that he'd agree too."
I just wanted this to end. I wish it had never happened.

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