Not What I Expected

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Marks pov

Today is the day, I'm so nervous what if she doesn't like me. Well if she doesn't I'll be alone forever because that's my soulmate. Also this writing on my arm thing is getting annoying. I should just ask for their number. I grabbed my red marker from the cup on my desk and stared to write. "Hey um this whole writing on our arm thing is getting kinda annoying can i have your phone number." i get an insta reply "yeah! Just promise me you're not some psycho murderer." i give a small chuckle and write back "i promise im not lol". One by one numbers start to appear "<insert number here> there you go". "Thanks text you in a sec". "Ok!!". I write back real quick saying " p.s. i really like the colour of your marker and your hand writing it's really beautiful cant wait to see you today." "same here!!". I grab my phone off the charger and Jack's number in.

Mark: Hey this is mark you're soulmate

Jack: Hi Mark my soulmate

Mark: Hello

Jack: is it ok if i ask you something

Mark: yeah go ahead

Jack: not trying to be rude but what's your gender. I mean im guessing you're a guy but i don't want to be wrong. Also what pronouns do you use?

Mark: im a male and i use his/him pronouns

Jack: Thank you

Mark: no problem! So uh where do do you wanna meet up and what time?

Jack: How about Urth Caffé and is 4:30 good?

Mark: yeah! See you in 2 hrs

Jack: Cool! See ya then

I set my phone down to go get ready only two hours then i get to meet her.
I take my shirt off and go get ready to take a shower. Just about as im ready to turn on the water i hear my phone go off. I pick it up and see that its from Jack.

Jack: Hey sorry to bother you i forgot to ask can you send me a picture so i know who im looking for

Mark: oh yeah that makes since but promise me you're not a 54 year old pedo.

Jack: i promise im not lol

Mark: ok then give me a sec



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