Chapter One

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I cry out in pain as he punches me across the jaw. The impact causes me to stumble back and I almost fall to the ground. Covering my jaw with my hand, I try to speak.

"P-please.... Eric... S-stop..." I stutter, shaking as I feel blood drip from my nose. Dropping to my knees, Eric forces a foot into my side, and I collapse.

"Don't ever tell me what to do!" Eric yells, kicking the back of my neck. I cry out in pain as I try to struggle to my feet, but again I am forcefully thrown to the ground.

Pain blossoms through my entire body. The edges of my vision start to fade to black. But the thing is, this happens everyday.

This is normal.

Of course, I'll never get used to the pain. That would be impossible. Eric is my very abusive boyfriend. He kicks me, he hits me, he slaps me. I've gone through this for years, 24/7. This is my life, everyday. All my previous love for Eric has vanished.

But I know what he is capable of. He has threatened me. He has hurt me. He has done everything he can to make me miserable. And he has succeeded. But I don't know how to get help.

I can't get help.

Eric has too much control. He can kill me. He will kill me. But I live at his house. I can't get a job. He provides. Without him, I would have nowhere to go. Despite the hourly beatings, despite the constant insults, Eric is my provider. I have nowhere else to go.

I've always dreamt of being an actress, but it has never happened because of the situation I am in. I have been in this situation for five years, since I was 23. I thought Eric was loving, kind. I was wrong. I was so, so wrong.

Eric slaps me one last time and heads to the one bedroom our- I mean his- apartment has. I always can't help but imagine what a better life I could be living, if I hadn't met Eric.

I can barely stand. My nose is dripping blood consistently. But I have to make it to the audition. Tonight there is an audition for a film in my city- Los Angeles. Anyone can attend the audition. They want to find "fresh talent." Although, existing actors are allowed.

Walking is hard. My whole body is sore. Putting one foot in front of the other takes an enormous amount of effort. But I have to get to the audition. It's my only chance, my only hope. It's the only way out from this hell.

I finally get to the door. It feels like an eternity before I get to the car door. It takes almost all my strength to get inside the vehicle. My hand shakes as I try to get the key in the ignition.

I nervously back the car out of the garage, my hands twitching as they rest on the steering wheel. I haven't even put on a long sleeve shirt to hide my bruises, and my whole face is purple and blue. My curly blonde hair is tangled and greasy- do you really think Eric would spend his precious money on shampoo?

I probably look like a monster. Tired eyes, greasy tangled hair, purple and black scars and cuts covering my body. There's even a few burns from when Eric gets even more pissed off. I look repeatedly at the address, constantly forgetting where I am going.

I finally arrive at a large building with flashing light displays and artistic fountains. I push the car door open and stumble into the building.

A long line of colorful t-shirts leads to the front desk where a lady is signing people in. I step into line and try not to feel self conscious- but how can I not?

The line slowly deteriorates into just a few people in front of me. People divide into separate lines to go into different rooms to audition.

I finally get to the sign up desk. The lady eyes me up and down almost fearfully.

"What's your name?" She asks cautiously. I have to clear my throat before I can talk.

"Anastasia Jaxon..." I whisper. She looks at me a few seconds longer and then types away in her computer. I wish I had a computer.

She hands me a number. 483. It has my name on the back. I take the number and step into one of the lines. It's two hours of impatient waiting before I enter my audition room.

The audition "hosts" stare at me wide eyed as I walk into the room. I try not to look them in the eyes.

"Thank you for your time." I say with as much confidence as I can muster. I start to say my lines when one of the hosts scoffs loudly.

"Are we seriously going to let that thing audition?!" He cries. Another one sneers. The first man starts pushing me out of the room, and I don't have the strength or drive to fight back.

"It's not my fault I look like this!" I cry, but he's not listening.

"You're a monster! A monster! Come back when you don't look like that!" The man yells. My back is already shaking with sobs, and tears stream down my face. I don't have a life anymore. I was stupid to think I did.

I fall to the ground, sobbing, and just as I am about to be taken away by the security, a young, strong male voice stands out among the newfound silence.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

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