Chapter 4: Helping one another

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  That whole night. I spent the whole time in the jail cell of the military police watching me. I saw and look around the room. There is me and another guy here. He seems to be like a coyote. Weird...I thought coyotes would be somewhere like Arizona or India...The cell really isn't that big. Basically, it's like a small room with a public toilet. I already saw the coyote use it and I'm just sitting here, shaking my head. The only toilet I'm going to use is when it's behind closed doors. I sigh and I look over at the clock. It's five am and I just lay there on the bench, staring up at the ceiling. The coyote tried to talk to me several times but I didn't usually respond back. It's weird when you think about it, isn't it? Everyone chases something. For me, I chase love and paradise...Because love is paradise in my own eyes...It's weird isn't it? Heh, then again we're all weird in our own way. I sigh and look at the entrance of the building. The bars is the only thing blocking me and freedom...Well, that and probably thirty or so military police officers. I see the door slowly open and I see what seems to be a young guy holding a clipboard. He looks down at it then up at my cell. "So are you Foxe Game?" I slowly nod and stand up. "Yes." He motions for the guard to open the cell. He does so and I slowly walk out. "Now follow me, Foxe." He turns around and exits. I walk behind him and try my best to keep up. From my point of view, he looks as if he's a dragon. A very large one...I know it's kinda ridiculous to say that because I'm small but this guy is huge. Most wolves are roughly seven foot. This dragon looks as if he's ten foot, easily. I'm five feet and nine inches and this is just...Ridiculous. He's freaking tall. It's a wonder how he doesn't hit the door frames. I can see him glance down at me several times and we enter what seems to be a very large building. It seems to be the main building with how many desks are here. I can see almost everyone in the room glance at me. I'm still wearing my normal clothes but it must because there's a little bit of blood on my hoodie. I got punched by the guys when I was coming here. By the end of it, I just wanted to just fall down and pass out. The dragon leads me down the room and we get to a hallway. We continue to walk till we stop of what seems to be a room. I look at the sign and it says "interrogation room 5." "Okay, Foxe. This is where we need to part ways. Please walk inside now. The captain is waiting inside to talk to you." I just slowly nod and walk inside. I see the captain and I slowly close the door. I'm afraid. I have reason to be because he's my judge. He's going to choose what's going to happen to me. No one else will object him. He motions for me to sit down in the chair, in front of him. I slowly nod and I slowly go to my seat. "Don't worry. I don't bite." I nod slowly and look at him. He's a dark furred wolf and I can read his name tag on his uniform. It's "Cadet Nightdusk, the alpha wolf." Geez. That's a long name. "I-Is it okay Mr.Dusk to call you night?" He slowly nods and smiles. I smile nervously and just look at him, with a goofy smile. Trying my best to not get in any more trouble. I start to hear him chuckle a little and smile more. "Anyways, you know why you're here?" I gulp and my smile quickly turns into a frown. My ears drop back and I just stare at him, slowly nodding my head. "Y-Yeah...I beat up two of your guys the other day..." "Yes, and I have to decide a fitting punishment. What's your real age by the way? I can tell it isn't really twenty-three." "I'm seventeen..." He stares at me, shocked, but then he quickly a returns to a blank expression. "Okay...So you're an alcoholic with really good English. Probably came from the U.S. Do you have any family?" "No sir. I got here by a cargo ship and I dropped out of high school." He slowly nods and smiles softly, leaning back into his seat. "Okay. I think I know what to do with you then." He leans forward with what seems to be an evil smirk and I gulp. "Your punishment is this. You'll be living with me, going to school. An American private school. Not only that but I'm going to be your guardian and keep you in line. Once you turn eighteen, I won't be your guardian anymore. It's up to you what you want to do then. I could be your mate or you could move on with your life." "O-Okay but aren't you like twenty-three or something like that because you look old. No offense." "None taken. I'm actually nineteen and living on my own without a mate. Now come on. We need to get going. We're going to have a long drive ahead of us." He smiles softly and stands up. I tilt my head and also stand up, looking a little confused. "Huh? Aren't we going to stay here in Tokyo?" He shakes his and I can hear him chuckle him again. "No. I live in the mountains and there's a private school near there that's American. Trust me, you're going to like it. The only thing that is normal there is music. No internet or cell phones." I look at him shocked and amazed. "H-Huh!? B-But I listen to music over my phone and that's how I make calls." He just smiles and opens the door and smiles at me. "Trust me, you'll get used it and like it. You get a choice too. You can either sleep on the couch or with me in the bed." I blush a bright red and look at him as if he's crazy. "I-I'll take the bed but I'm putting up a wall of pillows." I can hear him chuckle a little and I slowly follow behind him, leading out to the parking lot. "That's okay. In time, you'll get used to me." I continue to blush and I look at him amazed. "H-Huh? W-Who says I will? I'm a fox and us foxes always outsmart the wolves." "Oh? Is that so?" I nod and stop, closing my eyes. "Yep. Us foxes are smarter and faster than wolves. All you wolves got is just strengt- Ahhhhhhh!" I instantly get picked up and put on his shoulders. I whimper and pound on his back with my fists. "Put me down you meanie!" I can hear him chuckle a little and he stops at what seems to be a car. He opens what seems to be the left side of the car and places me in. He quickly closes the door and he goes around to the driver side. He opens the door and sits down in the drivers seat. "...You're a meanie for picking me up and making me scream." I can hear him chuckle a bit and we both start to buckle up. "So what do you want for breakfast?" "Hm...How about Mcdonald's? They got sausage sandwiches and soda." He nods and begins to exit the base. Under twenty-four hours I got arrested by the military, got a guardian who said it's up to me to choose what will happen to me once I turn eighteen. I could be his mate or continue onward with my life... "Hey, Foxe. Here's your food and the soda." I smile softly and take it. "Thanks, Night." He smiles back and kisses my cheek. I just sit there blushing with my food and soda in my hands, looking out the window with a shock expression on my face. I can hear him chuckle a bit and I shake my head, placing my drink in the cup holder. "So Foxe, you're really cute and adorable with everything you do. I think I'm going to enjoy the next year or so." I tilt my head at him and continue to blush. "Is it because you'll finally take a shower?" He bursts out laughing and smiles at me. "No Foxe. It'll be great because you'll be there. Someone that I can spend time with, help, love, and take care of. I know it sounds ridiculous but I think I'm falling in love with you Foxe...Get some sleep after you're done with the sandwich. We've got a long drive ahead of us and you've probably been up all night." I nod slowly and smile. He kisses my nose and I blush even more. "O-Okay Night...And if it counts for anything, I'm falling in love with you too..." I blush a bright red and I start to eat my sandwich. I see him smile out the corner of my eye. Who knows? Maybe this year could be better...Mostly because he could be here...Be here to love me and help me. 

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