Chapter 7: Wars never change

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  It's been about roughly a month since I've been on the ship. The ship is called USS Hope and I've been mostly quiet to the shipmates aboard the ship. The shipmates talked to me a lot of the time because I always listened to them. I would just nod my head and listen to them. I learned that many of sailors had people back to protect. It's incredible to hear their stories. Most of them joined the military to protect their loved ones. Some to continue their family legacy as military personnel. We're headed home according to the captain but I'm not sure. Right now, we're off a coast of an abandoned island. The natives fled when the war started and got bombed by accident and killed the remaining people on the island. The captain stopped and said we should bury the bodies. I...I already did...I told them that and they stared at me shocked and they asked what happened. I told them the chinese army felt bad about doing it so they only sent about fifty people. By the end of it, there were ten of us that were still alive. The rest of them joined the dead. Most by the diseases but some by the soldiers. I...I remember that I had to bury my best friend there. I stayed on the ship the whole week. Night spent that whole week with me. Most of the crew stayed too and tried to cheer me up. The ones that left, built a sign saying what happened. They put my name at the bottom of it saying what I did. I didn't want to be hero or someone that got the fame but without knowing it, I was walking down that path. We soon left after the sign was built in their honor. The island we were off the coast of was called "Shima no yume" in japanese. In english, it translates to "Dream Island." They replaced the name of it soon after the war was done. The island is now called "Shisha no tochi" in japanese. In the english translation is "Land of the dead." War never will change. Innocent people die and loved ones die at war. History is written by the victors and no one else. We're going to california and that's our final stop. Right now, me and night are getting on an aircraft carrier to take us there while the USS Hope finish it's duties. The carrier is called USS Brave and it's we're new crew members. It's a nuclear carrier and it's the second one of its kind. Right now, it's night and my boyfriend blinds into the background except for his eyes. His light blue eyes shines and looks at me. Right now, we're walking above a bridge to the carrier. I didn't want to do it because I'm scared of heights. After about thirty minutes of reassuring me and leading me to the carrier, my feet finally meet the ground of the carrier. They smiled and greeted me, knowing full well who I was. Apparently, word spread in the navy saying that I did something impossible. I buried the people on the island and went back home, taking care of anyone. Every sailor hugged me and thanked me for not only caring but also trying to make a change in the world. Night stood right beside me and has his arm around my shoulder, holding me close to him and smiling at this. I just blushed and hugged them back, not wanting the attention. I am not one to be in crowds and I preferred to be in the background but I guess it's too late for that. They also told me that back at home, they're talking all about me over the news. They say I'm one of the many hero's that is coming home and will be holding a party for me and I'm the guest of honor...Except that I didn't do anything other than, helping the people that need it and listen to people. To be honest, I think after we die we become stars. Each one of us shine so bright because we're our own person. On the carrier they're holding the party in the cafeteria and asked me if I wanted to go. I said no but Night persuaded me to go with his charms and his handsome-ness. I'm wearing my usual stuff. A white hoodie and white pants with my light blue hair shining in the light. Night is in his formal uniform and I'm just staring at him blushing. He sees this and just grins at me. "Ah, so you like what you see?" I blush even more as he said this and I slowly nod. "Y-Yeah. It reminds about prom and the officer's ball when you took me to dance." He smiles and comes over to me, grabbing and holding my hand. "Good. Now come on. We shouldn't be late to your own party." I smiled softly and nodded, agreeing with him. He slowly lead me out through the ship to the top of the ship. All the aircraft on the deck is still there but the rest is in the ship. Mostly the jets but they're on edge of the ship and hooked down. As we exited the ship, we hear clapping and cheers. Someone comes over and hands me what seems to be white tux and I take it. I took off my hoodie and I placed it right by the door. I put it on and someone hands me a white bow tie and I take it, putting it on. I hear cheers and clapping and someone comes over the speakers and start to play some music. I just smiled as I recognized the song and the song. It's called "Love you like a love song baby" by Selena Gomez. Night smiles and gently looks down at me. "May I have this dance with one of the prettiest guys on the ship?" I blushed and slowly nodded, in shocked and wonder. He smiles and takes me to dance floor and we start to slow dance there. People looked at us from time to time and smiled. The other guys got dates too if you're wondering. We're right by Hawaii and my best guess they got their dates from there. Night slowly, leads me off the dance floor, going to slow dance. He just smiles and sits down me at a table. We start talking mostly how quick they built the deck into a stage for a party. After what seems to be two hours, someone comes to Night with a mic and hands it to him. He said they chose him to make a speech and he just smiled. He took it and stood right by the table. I just smile up at him and listened. "We're brothers and sisters of the military, no matter what branch. We're here because we wanted to make a change in the world. No one I have met yet had a bigger impact on me except for Foxe..." I can see him sweating a little and he nervously looks at me and clears his throat, turning around looking at me. "Foxe this is for you but there's a different reason why they built it...That reason you'll find out here in a couple seconds." He smiles a little nervously and gets on one knee, holding out seems to be...A...White...Tiny...Box...To hold...A ring... "F-Foxe you're beautiful and everything I love about is perfect. W-W-Will you marry me Foxe?" I start to cry but cry tears of joy, I quickly hug him and nod my head, smiling. "Yes Night!! I will marry you!" He smiles and leans me back holds out my hand. He slides the ring onto my ring finger and people start to cheer. After everything that has happened, I wouldn't think we'd be here...Him asking me to marry him. That whole night I spent beside him and he held me close. If there was one night that I could go back to, it'd be that night. No other night except that and stay there forever...  

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