One Direction Preferences

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Preference #1 You meet for the first time.

Harry: You have been waiting for this day to come for a long time.One Direction are coming to your hometown/ City.You were lining up at your hometown arena/Stadium.You went with your best friend (Y/B/N) & Your sister (Y/S/N)You were sitting the front row, you were wearing a really cute top, with short shorts & really cute messy bun.Just as soon as they came out, The whole stadium starts to cheer.You had an eye on cute curly haired boy all night.He starts to sing his part, he sees you in the crowd.He looks in to your beautiful (y/e/c) eyes.He smiles & he gives you a wink.You started to blush, you & your best friend squeal.He has been eyeing you all night long & you did the same.Just when the concert was over,a body comes to you & says "you're needed backstage""Am I trouble or something sir?"He laughs & says "not you're not, someone wants to meet you"You walk backstage & you see a cute curled haired boy.He smirks,"Hi,What's your name Beautiful?

You started to blush, "I'm (y/n)" He smiles & says that's a pretty name for a beautiful girl"Thank you" you smiled

You and Harry have been texting all night long!

Zayn: it has been 3 months since Zayn left one direction which was really hard on you. you have been trying to get over it but never seem go away. You were shopping with your best friend (y/bf/n), you were talking to her without even looking you accidentally bumped into some "oops, I'm really sorry sir" you say to a stranger so you thought it was Zayn Malik former band member from one direction. you were so happy you got to meet him. you & him became really close.

Liam: you went shopping for your cousin (y/c/n) for his 5th birthday, you babysit him all the time. you knew that he was a pretty much big fan of Toy story, you bought him a Woody doll & Jessie doll. You were just trying to decide what kind another doll you would buy for him. "I'd pick the horse" you hear a deep voice with an English accent, "He would love that" you smiled as you came face to face with your celebrity crush & favourite band member of one direction. you gave him your phone number & invitation to your cousin's birthday party.

Louis: you were lining up watch a movie at theatres with your cousin "y/c/n", you went to buy some popcorn with extra butter & a large drink.
You sat in a 5th row, a guy & his group of friends sat next to you. You look at him & you recognized him. It was Louis Tomlinson. You nudge your cousin's shoulder "isn't that Louis Tomlinson from one direction?" You whisper, she looks & her eyes went wide. she squeals with excitement. He turned his head, he looked at you & smiles. You blush & smile back.
The movie ended & you felt a nudge on your shoulder. You turned around to see who it was, it was him. "Uhh- hi Louis" he grins "I can't help but notice how beautiful you are" you blush "um thank you, I'm Y/N" "nice to meet you" he kisses your palms.
He asked out you on a date & you couldn't wait to see him again.

Niall: You were shopping at supermarket with your sister y/s/n & your nephew y/n/n. You were at lining up at lane to buy your groceries. Another guy came lining up behind you. You hear your nephew laugh & you looked at him it was Niall Horan making your nephew laugh you watch him at coo at the baby "is he yours" he asks "uh no, he's my nephew" he smiles "he's cute" I nodded "yeah he is isn't he?" I smiled "I'm Y/N" I introduced myself "I'm Niall" he shakes my hand "oh I know" I grin widely.
He laughs "you're very beautiful you know that?" You blush & thank him for the compliment.

I know Zayn may not be part of the band anymore but he will always be in our hearts. This was my first attempt writing preferences. Sorry if my writing was bad, English is not my first language. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed writing this
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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